Tag Archives: management

A busy week…

It’s just been a bit of a cRaZy week: car troubles, busy at work, being sick, an out of town guest and few other things I can’t remember. It’s just kept me from blogging and even reading the blogs I read.

I’m back at work at 110% time while I’ve previously I’ve only been there about 70% time the past year or so (that’s how I’ve managed to find time to teach other classes and try a few other things). But I can really see the difference in being at work that much. I’ll get used to it in a few weeks, I guess…

So the car was acting up earlier this week, it’s an automatic and it wasn’t shifting (stuck in first) this was due to the speedometer not working so it was a relatively cheap fix ($187) compared to needed a whole new transmission.

I’ve been fighting some kind of cold and not even realizing it, I just been sleeping a lot but I thought I was just tired. On Friday, I really started being hoarse and coughing so I broke down and went to the doctor. He gave me drugs so we’ll see…

I had an old friend from college come into town and while that was excellent, it certainly would have been better if I was feeling better and didn’t need naps. We spent most of the time eating, chatting or watching movies (Becoming Jane and Martian Child).

The latter movie raised a few issues for me because I’ve thought so much about adopting in the past, it’s mostly been this last year or so that I haven’t been thinking so much about it, but I have been recently thinking about it again so this movie hit home…

So coming up soon – I’ll probably have some postings on keeping in touch with old friends, adoption and two movie reviews.

So So Busy Lately…

It’s been extra cRaZy lately:

  • We’re nearing the end of the school year and it just plain gets hectic around then (even though I work year-round).
  • The superintendent just retired, he’s been in the district 44 years(!!!), so there has been work to wrap up and a variety of celebratory events (admin building, district-wide, just administrators, etc.). He sure knew a lot of people, many whom came back for some of the celebrations.
  • I just starting teaching a class at a local university and getting everything started always takes time (even though I’ve done this same class before); plus I’m trying to do more on-line with this group.
  • Life in general has been a little busier lately from Mother’s day to days off and other things.
  • I think I’ve missed at least an extra day a week at work for some meeting and/or conference every week since before Easter and had to take a few vacation days here and there too so it’s been busy for those reasons too.
  • I’ve got a new boss, which is great(!), but it’s stressful figuring out how they want things (what things I should ask about and what things to just do) there’s no problems, it’s just I figured all that out with the old boss and had a good grip on these things.
  • I’ve been having sleep problems too, but I bet that’s partially due to the above and the crazy weather changes affecting my allergies.

    Hmm… Putting them all in a list I realize there are more work related items than life in general, have to think about that…

    I go have good stuff going on, most (all?) of the busy personal stuff has been good, it’s just been making life busier. I haven’t spent as much “fun” time on the computer as usual, certainly not much time blogging lately, but I think things will calm down soon, but we are still getting into the end of the year crunches at work. That’s all for now, just a life in general update, not too exciting but you know I’m alive…