Tag Archives: korea peace network

Korea Peace Network – Open Letter to Shinzo Abe

A very old friend asked me to mentioned the Korea Peace Network and the fact that they were taking out a full page advertisement in the NY Times on Friday (unfortunately, I didn’t see the message until today). The advertisement was an “Open Letter to Shinzo Abe” will be featured in a full page ad in the New York Times while the Japanese Prime Minister is in D.C.

It’s a article about the current prime minister and he seems to be attempting to be sweeping some slavery/servitute issues of the past under the carpet. It’s a ling letter with some photos and artwork of the atrocities that are mentioned in the letter.

I thought it was interesting that at the bottom in a very large font they added (the unrelated text) that “As a Korean American Organization, the KANCC expresses its deepest regret over the horrible Virginia Tech. masssacre and offers sincere sympathy to the families of the victims.”