Tag Archives: Jaco

Guess where I’m off to now!?!

GarypuravidaSo I’m heading back off the continent again. Actually, I’m not 100% sure that’s true, Costa Rica is on the isthmus which connects North America and South America and while I think that makes it not part of South or North America I’m not sure if it’s “off” the continent. but I digress…

So it’s time for some sun and relaxing. Want to try to get to some different places this trip but the trip is starting back in Jaco, my favorite town so far. I’m trying to find somewhere out on the peninsula that’s on the northwest part of the country for somewhere different to go.

“Pura Vida” is kind of a catch phrase / motto there, it means “pure life”. I did the magazine cover shown here after my last trip.

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Saturday Six – 61

6. You are given the gift of an original oil painting by any famous artist.  What painting would you choose and why?
Easy. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
5. Last week, the Reader’s Choice question asked you to identify your favorite movie line.  Later this month, the American Film Institute will list the 100 Greatest Movie Lines of all time.  Which one do you expect to win?
“Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn”
4. You have the ability to snap your fingers and be instantly transported to one of three places whenever you wish to go there.  Which three places would you select as your destinations?
Costa Rica (probably Jaco, since I like the ocean there), London, England (I always enjoy England) and Berkley, Michigan (most of my extended family lives there) and work (I hate wasting time driving to and from work). Yes I picked four. I’m assuming you can teleport back to your starting point which would be home. If I had this power I’d probably move to one of the locations (probably Costa Rica) and make that home so I’d only need the three other destinations.

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Travel Time – Friday Forum

1) Are you taking a summer vacation this year? If so, where are you heading? If you already went on vacation, where did you go?
London, England!!!!
2) Planes, trains, or automobiles…what is your preferred mode of transportation to get to your vacation get-away?
I absolutely love the train. Lots of room, no waiting, no running around (the airport) lots of time to relax and get stuff done.
3) Any vacation locales you would recommend for those looking for ideas?
Costa Rica! I like the Jaco area on the Pacific side of the country.
4) What US city/state have you never been to but would love to visit?
Hawaii would be a nice trip.
5) What international city/country have you never been to but would love to visit?
Paris, France. I’ve always wanted to go.

From Friday Forum

More This and That – Sunday Brunch

  1. Are you organized or disorganized? Hmm… I keep my life more organized than my office(s) and my computer desktop. I usually have a plan as a move through life although people don’t think so.
  2. How well can you swim? I can tread water long enough (that’s long enough for any reason that I’eve ever had to or expect to).
  3. How often do you fill your gas tank? About once a week. It pleases me to fill it up and reset my little mileage counter. It’s like crossing an item off a list. I never pass up gas if it’s a really good deal (and then I brag about it!).
  4. Where is your favorite vacation spot? Jaco, on the west coast of Costa Rica. It’s nice and out of the way and it’s beautiful and warm. I like to stay at the Balcon Del Mar, it’s right by the water and all the rooms have a view of the ocean.
  5. What is you favorite animal to have as a pet? Fish. They’re quiet, peaceful and you get the nice gurgling and humming sounds from the aquarium :)

From Sunday Brunch.