Tag Archives: iPad

VLC free video player for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Get it now (while you still can).

So a nice free video player came out for the iPhone (which also works on the iPad and iPod Touch) called VLC Media Player;
it’s the video player for Macintosh and Windows (IMHO).

What’s great about this program? It lets you play all sorts of video files on your iDevice without converting them first. The other bonus is that it lets you delete them when you are done, freeing up space for photos and video. It plays more than a few formats, but if you try some high-def Blu-Ray files it’s not going to have enough power to play them.

Here’s the problem, it might get pulled from the iTunes store due to some weird legalities*. So download it now. I actually think it’s been out for the iPad for a while, but it just came out for the

* Short answer with small words – The (source code) software is free and the program can must be freely distributed, but technically the iTunes app store puts on protection, so technically it’s not freely distributed, you must have an iTunes account.

Verizon to start carrying the iPad. Only $20 for 1GB of data a month!

So Verizon will start to carry the WiFi iPad and sell it with a MiFi wireless access point for $130 more. What’s interesting is that they’ll sell it for $20 a month for 1 GB of data (and no contract). This is an interesting pricing plan as AT&T charges $15 for 200MB and $25 for 2GB, so it’s an interesting sweet spot for the data. Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi) Apple Computer Verizon’s next jump is $35 for 3GB and $50 for 5GB (see the FAQ). Plus, they’re legitimately buying them from Apple (and they sell them just with WiFi too). So you can use the MiFi with other WiFi devices too, but you’ll obviously use more data (duh!)

I just thought it was some interesting competition for AT&T…

Can you believe I’m actually blogging about cats?!?

I thought this video of the cat playing with the iPad was pretty funny. Actually it’s pretty slow at the beginning, if you click here it should start a minute in the video.

Here’s the direct link to the Cat iPad video (in case I screwed up the links above trying to start them).

Checking out the iPad

So I checked out the Apple iPad today. It’s very cool. I just have a hard time justifying one when I already have a MacBook and and iPhone. And I wouldn’t want it without the data plan option either (so their’s more money).


It’s a beautiful piece of hardware and simple to use. If you’ve got family members you’ve never been able to get into computing (parents/grandparents), this is the device for them to use…


I did make sure that I did not bring my $100 in Best buy gift cards. It was calling out to me, “Buy me!”, and I’d have been sorely tempted. Everyone who walked by was very interested.

The display of this web site was very good, you can click for (slightly) larger images.

iPad review by PCMag

hands_pad.jpgNot much to say other than if you’re interested in the iPad, this is a good five minute review. They pack a lot of info into a few minutes…

If the video doesn’t show up above or if you want to watch it in HD then watch the iPad demo at Vimeo.

I’m not (planning on) getting an iPad. But I think if a store were open right now that had one, I’d be tempted…

The Apple iPad

How could you not want one of these? The ad makes it feels like it’s something out of Star Trek and that’s before they run the Star Trek movie promo clip!!

Direct link to the Apple iPad commercial. hands_pad.jpg

Actually, I think I’ll pass this time around. I’d ditch my iPhone if it were a phone, but really don’t need another device to carry around and I have a laptop. To get the GPS it sounds like you need the 3G card (otherwise it just uses the WiFi for an estimate). And it doesn’t have a camera of any sort. Yet…