Tag Archives: Cat

Can you believe I’m actually blogging about cats?!?

I thought this video of the cat playing with the iPad was pretty funny. Actually it’s pretty slow at the beginning, if you click here it should start a minute in the video.

Here’s the direct link to the Cat iPad video (in case I screwed up the links above trying to start them).

This gives new meaning to cat lady.

Cat cloneSo everyone keeps talking about the lady who cloned her cat at the Genetic Savings and Clone (no I’m not kidding) for $50,000. The strange thing is most articles I’ve read all focus on what she could have better spent her money on. I’m know $50k is a lot, but it’s not fifty million dollars, you could say the same about anyone who spends too much on a house or car or boat. They talk about it being a bit “morally reprehensible” but I’m not going to go there with this post, I’m just waiting for her to clone her ex-boyfriend…

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