Tag Archives: Facebook

One of the oddest things on FaceBook (IMHO)

So getting user updates about other users on FaceBook is interesting, but I always think ones like this are strange:

facebook married
It just strikes me as odd. I suppose it’s not any odder than changing your profile to stating that you’re married, but one generates congratulations and the other doesn’t.

UPDATE: In addition you can change your profile (this is the same person’s info whom actually made this change today) to read:

Jane Doe Picture 5
So it’s an strange system. It might as well as have a category labeled “confused”. Continue reading

Sunsets of Costa Rica

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I uploaded a album of sunsets to FaceBook. These are from my last two trips to Costa Rica. There are a few dozen and I think all of them are labeled where and when they are from.

If you are a member of FaceBook be sure to add me as a friend while you’re there. Just click on “Gary’s Profile” at the top and then “Add as a Friend”.

(I didn’t realize that these public links to Facebook photo albums expire, I’m not even sure how long they last. That’s annoying, I’m glad I only used them for a few albums…)

Looking to Expand My Social Networking…

So I’m playing around with some of the social networking sites and I need a few more friends. So, if you use any of the following and you’re looking for a few more people to add, please feel free to add me. In particular I’m trying to get a better feel for FaceBook so I need a few more there so I can see how people are really using it…

  • FaceBook – This is my newest place to test out, so if you use it please add me as a friend so I can explore a little more.
  • iLike – If you don’t use iLike for music you should check it out and I’d like to see what you’re listening to so add me there.
  • Twitter – I’m just experimenting with Twitter, all my blog posts get tweeted and occasionally I’ll tweet if I’m at a concert or event or something like that.
  • MySpace – If you’ve got a MySpace page I’d be interested to see it, especially if you’re a local (Detroit-Area) person.
  • Technorati – Not so much a “social network” but you can favorite blogs that you read (on the left side of the page near the site thumbnail) so if you use it and you like my blog please ‘favorite’ it.