Tag Archives: art

Glass Totems in Dearborn – Day 10 of 31 photos in 31 days

I like these “glass totems” but whoever put them here did not position them for optimum sunlight and there isn’t any lighting for at night. They’re part of a Dearborn Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition enrichment that they’ve done for a few years with the Midwest Sculpture Initiative.


While I wouldn’t pay $8,000 for these, I get to see them for free and when I’m bored of it in a year, it’ll be gone, possibly replaced with something else.


This is for my 31 photos in 31 days project today.

Want your art in a famous museum?!?

Hope to have your art in a famous museum someday? Why wait? Just go hang it yourself!!!

A guy did this in The Brooklyn Museum, The Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum and New York’s Museum of Modern Art. This is something if I tried it, I’d get caught and accused of stealing the art! (FYI – Tesco is a European grocery/department store.)

Can anyone help me find this?

night-sky-05I found this picture on a web site and they linked back to hoshinavi and I can’t find the image. Mostly because the site is in Japanese(?) and I can’t get babelfish to translate it.
You can see really small on the picture there is a URL and such but I’d really like to get this from somewhere if anyone has any idea of where, how, etc. Thank you for any help…