I generally don’t post about dating, I assume all my past and present girlfriends read my entries. No my Ego is not that big, I just post with such an assumption so that I can stay out of trouble. I won’t leave out if/when I get engaged/married. And once I’m married I’m assuming I’ll post more about the relationship. I will not complain about the wedding planning process publicly until after the wedding (assuming I do go through with the process). They were talking about this at SpiralInSpiral but my thoughts got too long for the comments.
Watch out when I have kids though, I’ll give you every little detail. (Can they sue for embarrassment when they get older?) Not today’s laws, but with the laws of the future…
I also try not to complain to much (although many times when I post facts people think I’m complaining), I want the complaining to be a very small percentage of my posts, I think my (few) readers prefer it that way.
I also work mildly under the assumption that work-type people (or future people) read my blog too. So that probably makes me appear more restrained than I actually am. It probably prevents me from answering some on-line questions or even some memes (such as Sexy Saturday). I think I’ve only answered one (or two) mild SS questions and still kept my answers relatively restrained.
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