Visiting States

So I was just listening to Today’s Podcast and they were talking about the word cover with Brian from Coverville. The part I’m thinking of is as they were talking they start digressed to talking about visiting states and what counts as a visit. We disscussed this among friends before so I thought this was interesting (Brian wasn’t to visit all 50 by the time he is 40). A layover in an airport doesn’t count, you must leave the airport and do something, he said getting a meal was enough. I liked the meal concept as counting as a visit.

Here’s a question though — I’ve ridden the train from the State of Washington to Chicago, do I get to count all the states I’ve ridden through? I may have seen a lot through the window, we even got off the train to run and get some munchies (from a store, not the train station), but I probably slept through most of a state at night. The states I saw sure seem like they’d count more than just getting a meal in some other state just to check off your checklist…

2 responses to “Visiting States

  1. yeah, I don’t think you can count those states really, unless you got out and did something in each of them.

  2. Hi Gary
    Not sure about if you should have at least a meal in each state. I’ve spent almost a day in state touring around and never did stop for a meal. I think I would count that. I have 49 and just Alaska which I will do next year. I have a question, is there a web-site that you know of that issues numbers for persons completing all 50 states? Thanks, Anthony.

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