Tuesday is Chooseday – Volcano or Tidal Waves

    Would you rather:

  1. live in a place with the constant threat of volcano eruptions OR the constant threat of tidal waves? Whew… I’m thinking the tidal waves. I’d rather be soggy thatn have 4th degree burns.
  2. go through an operation that would make you absolutely gorgeous, able to win any beauty contest OR one that would make you able to run faster than anybody on the planet? The running is pretty cool, but if it’s not fast enough to run on water I’ll go for the operation (because we all know how vain I am).
  3. have warts on your face OR on your genitals? No.
  4. scream in pain everytime you comb your hair OR cry like a baby when you brush your teeth? When I brush my hair. I don’t do much with my hair, but I brush my teeth all the time.

From tuesday is chooseday

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