Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

800,000,000 Points of Articulation

Finally a purpose for Spiderman (besides catching bad guys), he provides a hysterical review of a 96 count package of Crayola crayons! Found at Jodiferous.

Lighthouse Paradox – a novel

I know, I never review books enough, even when I mention I’m reading them I forget to post info later…

I know the folks who wrote this one so I was a little more motivated. It takes place on Drummond Island off the east coast of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The authors grew up there and one of them still lives there. I was at D. Ann’s place this weekend and noticed the framed picture in the living room (which has been there for at least a year) was a larger landscape version of picture that they had commissioned for the cover of the book. I’ve seen this a bunch of times and I just finally made the connection. But I digress…

My biggest problem (in talking about books) is telling enough but not giving the story away. It’s an historically accurate portrayal of life on the Island, life is different there than it is on the mainland. It’s a small-town people story, with some romance, a mystery and even a UFO all wrapped up into one story. It spans 60 years with several families stories intertwined as they try to figure out al the connections…

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Airport Express

I’m not sure exactly why I bought the Apple Airport Express. That might sound silly but it’s not just one device, it’s not two, it’s not even only three, it’s FOUR (yes four!) devices in one.

  1. It’ll work as a WiFi router. Can I tell you how easy this was to use? I was at my local Burger King and the WiFi was down again but the wired connection was up. So instead of sitting by the noisy TVs I plugged in the express to the wall and a RJ-45 (phone-like cord) into the ethernet jack and my laptop asked if I wanted to join the new network. That was it! I’m now wireless sitting in my comfy corner.
  2. A WiFi Extender. Does your WiFi network start to fade at the far end of the house? Put this somewhere where you still get a signal and it will extend the range farther for you.
  3. A music (i.e. iTunes) streamer. Computer in the other room with all your music on it? Plug in the optional audio cables into the AirPort Express next to your stereo and you can listed to your iTunes ianywhere in the house!
  4. Printer Adapter. Want to share a printer? Plug a USB printer into the port and you can print to it from anywhere in the house!
It works for Windows and Macintosh (but I haven’t tried the printing yet) and it’s great!

Katy Rose

katyrose53Went to Chicks with Attitude tonight. Unfortunately we only caught part of Katy Rose on stage, she had already started when we got there, I really enjoyed her singing. She was great and really diverse in the songs that we heard. I did buy her CD Because I Can, got to say HI and had her autograph the CD too. She has that album out, a two track single, she did a song on the Mean Girls soundtrack and one on the Thirteen soundtrack.

Executive Summary

I’m not big into politics but I did notice that the iTunes store had the Executive Summary for free! It’s just over an hour itself and I’ve listened to the first bit of it and it’s pretty interesting. I don’t know if I could handle all 20+ hours of it but I’ll definitely listen to the rest of the hour summary.9-11 Final Report: Executive Summary (7/22/04)

Of course you need the free iTunes software to listen to it…

KB 2

So the movie of the night was… Kill Bill 2.

Quentin Tarantino is so weird, but we watched it. It was fun with usually enough of a warning that you don’t have to stare at too much of the gore. Spidey probably would have been more clean fun.

The Taking – Dean Koontz

Just finished reading the new book by Dean Koontz. Starts off as a creepy horror story in a really big storm but in the end it’s definitely not that. The story moves you along (as long as you can ignore the icky parts), has a strong female character (which isn’t always the cast) and if you like T.S. Elliot you might even like it more (since there are a few quotes by him). The cover is very misleading I can’t think of what the artwork reminds me of, but it’s not “right” for the story, IMHO.

Not very detailed of a review but I don’t want to give anything away, but if you’re a fan (or you like Sixth Sense type stories) you’ll enjoy it.

Chasing Liberty

chasing liberty movie posterSo I finally saw Chasing Liberty, not a big Mandy Moore fan, not really sure what she sings (actually wasn’t 100% she didn’t do any songs in the movie until I saw the credits). I just always thought the previews looked cute. It was fun, pretty much exactly what you’d expect. Nice scenery since it takes place in several countries and getting lost and separated is always what makes up part of these movies. I just kept looking at Ms. Moore and those huge dimples and thinking how much she made me think of Julia Stiles. Of course I can’t find two photos that illustrate that but if you see it you’ll know.

A lot of people you’ll recognize and it’s always fun figuring out who they are…