Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

They keep running through my head

And I don’t wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don’t want to talk about it
And I don’t want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you

Fall To Pieces – Avril Lavigne

So these darn lyrics keep running through my head (they play this part of the song in the iTunes preview so listen if you have it). I don’t know why they keep resonating in my head and my heart lately. I can certainly relate to the feelings in general, but nothing in particular currenlty, which is why I’m confused that they keep coming up. And it’s just this part of the chorus that sticks, until I looked the lyrics up I never even noticed that the next line was “Cuz I’m in Love With you” although it was perfectly clear to me that there was some deep love that was friendship or romance.

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iTunes, iPods and Apple do Podcasting software right!!!

The Apple iTunes store has added Podcasts at the iTunes Music Store
icon (just click on “podcasts” from the main menu at the ITMS) and of course they are free. I know you’re thinking, “Who cares, I’ve already got podcasting software to download them and add them to my iPod?” But this doesn’t need software this builds it right in so your friends who you haven’t gotten to listen have no excuse now (the software is free and so are the downloads). Plus they updated the firmware on your iPod to offer several benefits (read on). And Apple started their own weekly new music podacast!

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Easy2Blog – review

Easy3BlogSo I’ve got a new very easy place to recommend to blog, it’s called Easy2Blog. It’s got loads of options and it’s easy to configure. They’ll do ad exchanges for you, an about me section, a blogroll-type thing, counter, rss, sydication badges that automatically add your blog to others myYahoo/feedburner/etc., commenting, easy to add photos to posts, search, counters and an easy way to add blocks of html for other services like blogrolling or whatever you’d like (you can easily reorder them too).

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Fearless – Review

So I finally watched the pilot episode (the only episode?) of Fearless with Rachel Leigh Cook as Gaia. I enjoyed it, a few good songs and some excellent stereo sound (I had the headphones on). A little corney here and there but it was good for a pilot. You can download it from here; it’s an AVI that played pretty good on my powerbook.

And I see there’s a new series with the same character. The first book is Kill Game (Fearless FBI). I’m going to check it out, I’m sure it’s a little less high school than the other series and that’ll make it more enjoyable…

Ivy In Concert

Dominique Durand IvySo we went out last night four bars/clubs and for the fourth one we ended up back at the first (so it was really three). There was a mission though, Ivy was in town at the Magic Stick (which is above the Majestick, get it?). So it was regular happy hour, to the greektown casino where L’usa were playing (we’ve got friends in the band) and then to the concert. We missed most of the opening acts but we kinda knew that with all the running around (that’ll be another post).

Ivy was great, I think I originally heard her on a WB show (or some show) and they showed her information in the end credits. I think the band is generally three people but I think we counted eight at one point. The photo is of Dominique Durand (I needed to be closer, my camera is great but my flash is pretty lousy). I gave my e-mail to a woman there who took a lot of photos I hope she sends me a few!

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Beauty and the Geek

BeautygeekI generally hate the reality shows but this new one by Ashton Kutcher called Beauty and the Geek is hysterical. Seven beautiful women and seven dorks geniuses have to team up and teach each other some skills if they want to win the competition, but “they’re so far apart on the social spectrum that they’re practically different species”.

They extra funny part is I know these guys (or at least guys like them) from high school and/or college. Plus, some of these guys have never been on a date or kissed a girl. When the one category is massage the one guy was practically shaking when he realized he was going to have to touch a girl. The women learned auto repair faster than the guys learned massage. Be sure to check out the preview.

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Book Tag. I’m It!

So I’ve been tagged with the book meme (list current books and favorite books and tag a few more people) from Dave over at Blogography.

How Many Books Do You Own? At least five-hundred. A complaint from the last time I moved was “who the hell taught you to read?”. The answer is probably my grandfather, who didn’t teach me to read but taught me to want to read.

What is the Last Book You Bought? Mindscan by Robert Sawyer. I have yet to read this one, so here’s some background on the author. He’s the canadian Michael Crichton, what does that mean? It means he’s awesome (I hope he likes MC) and he makes complicated science fun. He generally does more with connecting everything (science and religion and the mind and the universe) in a holistic way and making it all tie together. He’s entertaining, humorous and very knowledgeable.

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Patricia ArquetteI really like Patricia Arquette in Medium. I like that the show always starts with a dream. What makes me cRaZy is that they always question that she’s psychic. They know she is but they always question it (and waste the viewers time)….

She’s very low key in what she does but to me she’s a super-hero(ine). She’s gotta go at all hours of the day. In her secret identity she’s a mom to three girls and married to a pretty understanding guy. But she’s gotta go, she’s gotta save the day and stop the bad guy. It’s gotta be really stressful, I can’t believe it didn’t impact her more before this episode….

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