Category Archives: meme

Quizes and surveys and photo hunts and lists from around the internet. Many are from

Favorite Candy Bar

What are your Top 5, all-time favorite candy bars?

  • Nestle Milk Chocolate Bar, these are hard to find (kinda like the Nestle’s Crunch but with no crispies).
  • Smarties/Lentilky, chocolate not the sour tarts (a European M & M type candy made by Nestle).
  • Nestle’s White Chocolate Bar (maybe I’ve seen them test released here but generally I get them in when I travel, generally in Europe I think).
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
  • M & Ms
  • And sometimes I’m really in the mood for a Payday.

    Wow, I didn’t realize I had so many Nestle candy issues, but they’re all hard to find. Obviously, I don’t eat many of these since I don’t travel that far very often.

    From Top 5 Friday via The Daily Meme.

  • Archive meme

    Sarah said:
    1. Go into your archive.
    2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
    3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
    4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

    “I’m the guy who still hardcodes his own HTML and I just didn’t get it.”

    “It” was using special software like Movable Type to run a web log. Why would I every want to do that?

    FYI, this was over 800 posts ago on January 5, 2004 and the title was Might as well face it… (I’m addicted to blog!)

    Does your weblog own you?

    So I don’t usually take these quizzes but this one looked kinda interesting, so I took it. It’s only 16 questions, so give it a try…

    31.25 %

    My weblog owns 31.25 % of me.
    Does your weblog own you?

    Friday Forum

    1] Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave your country and never step foot in it again? Why/why not?
    If I could get a waiver to come back for when my Mom needs me (older/sick/etc.), I’d take the deal! Where do I sign?!? I like it here, but to retire and go live somewhere and the only work I’d have to do is stuff I’d like and live off the rest, I’m already packing the bags and booking my flight to Costa Rica (or wherever).


    2] If your friends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly and honestly tell you what they really thought of you, would you want them to? Why/why not? Do you feel that your friends and family members *already* are pretty honest with you?
    I’m hoping if there is something that would be a shock that I’d have already been told by now, so it wouldn’t be a shock. So I’m assuming they are already, but you never know…

    Continue reading

    So I like this meme… 101 in 1001

    So I found this cool meme and the object is to make a list of 101 goals and get them done in 1001 days. I’m going to put something together and see how far I get. This ties in with today’s Friday Forum (goals and reflections) and 9/11 (no, not that 9/11, the other one).

    Actually, I didn’t find it Sarah did.

    A new food meme

    If I were a piece of food caught in your teeth, would you pick me out? What kind of food would I be? Would I be delicious even after I’d been trapped between your molars since lunch?

    Continue reading appears to have just gone back to a daily format (probably just Monday through Friday). They change the topic everyday and you can upload a photo related to that topic. Pretty simple, eh? Here’s all the photos I’ve submitted are and here is a list of the archived words. PS – Once there’s a new word, you can’t upload an old one any more!

    Hello my name is…

    Picture 10This is my name using Egyptian Hieroglyphs (supposedly). Does anyone know if this is really related to anything hieroglyphic? There are no references on the generating page to anything authentic. I’m seriously interested. I’m still thinking Egypt may be my next trip…

    Try your name  

    Stolen from Diane.

    Continue reading