Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Busy Day!

Whew! Got a lot done today!

  1. Got a new grill. I’ve been looking for one that uses briquets(sp?) but finally gave up and then I was looking for one that wasn’t too huge. I finally found one with the sides that will fold down! I love Target (applied for a charge and got 10% off too!)! Plus it went on sale today (Sunday) and they gave me another $10.00 back!
  2. Got my Apple G4 PowerBook looked at (at the Genius Bar). Some how I put a big dent in the cover(?). So I took it to the Apple Store and I got it looked at. They ran some tests and put it in my file so that if I have problems in the future they’ll know it wasn’t because of the dent.
  3. Got a new digital camera! It’s only 3.2 MP but it’s 1.2 more than my last one. I was looking for one that was small, has a real (not just digital) zoom, had an output to hook directly to the TV, did movie more with sound, had a viewfinder (not just an LCD) and extra bonuses were that it pretends to be a USB drive (haven’t tried this yet), has a audio notation mode. I would have preferred some more mega-pixels, but this will do for now. Does anyone know of a 5 (or 4) MP camera that has all of the above and is small?

Whenever I think of crossing things off of lists it always makes me think of The West Wing with Laura Dern when she was the Nobel Poet Laurete.

What kind of a woman to date?

joy376If she was reading the latest issue of Scientific American at the beach in the topics paying attention to my feelings and and proposing. No doubt, I’d be the brain in the vat.

I was thinking more of the scientific pleasure scenario. I give them “smart” information and they stimulate my pleasure points thus making me want to store and calculate more information for them. I wasn’t thinking so much about the psychological debate about these things (would I rather be IN or OUT of the matrix?).

I also just bought The Day the Earth Stood Still so the old campy image of the brain in a vat is in my mind… Well, either way I thought it was a good cartoon.

This cartoon is from Joy of Tech (.com).

“Today” additions to my blog…

So I’ve been working on my blog here and there. The display format is going to change soon but I’m not there yet.

The fun part is that I’m working on a “today” part of my sidebar. Be sure to scroll down and check it out. It’s got the word of the day, the phase of the moon, the sky, what Dearborn, Michigan, USA, Earth looks like at this moment (it shows the sunlight, but since it’s zoomed in the US it’s hard to tell how it works exactly, keep an eye on it around sunrise/set) and the temperature/time. All the graphics are clickable for more detailed looks/infomation. I’m looking for more of these little gizmos so please send me any if you have some ideas (or post in the comments). Looking for a today in history or Detroit/Michigan news one in particular.

With additions of these graphics and being more conscientious of adding graphics to my entries I’ve got quite a few images on the page. This breaks one of my cardinal rules only 4 (or 6) graphics per page (especially start pages). As connections get faster this is less of a problem and I’m really good at defining the size of my images, which helps pages load better/faster. Now if I did entries more often, I’d have less graphics, but when I don’t do them as often I feel like I have to make them better. So I’ve been using a not often used tag called “lowsrc” what this does is load a lower resolution image first so the page gets formatted faster. Here’s my question. Where the images load, before they appear does anyone see the word “loading” appear (in a blocky font) before the actual image? Please post in the comments and let me know if you do (don’t bother if you don’t). Thanks!

Extra Busy…

I don’t know where the time has gone… I’ve been working on a few projects and things but not my blog (actually a little, just not stuff you’ve seen yet. I’ve been at one of my favorite conferences MACUL did a presentation (that I’ve never done before) that went well. Missed two Liz Phair concerts (wasn’t feeling well so I couldn’t do to the drive to Chicago and back), she did a regular concert and played at the Apple Store the next day.

So since I didn’t go there I didn’t get to see Heather either… But she’s in England with Nan for the so she might have some extra interesting posts this week. Finally bought an Xbox to play / hack around with, trying to install Linux, no success yet, but it’s been fun (anyone in the Detroit/Dearborn area who can offer me some help…?). Reading some books which I never seem to remember to comment on. The EXTRA nice part is it’s been sunny the last few days and that’s always nice in the winter!

Why don’t more people use Macintosh more?

I’ve been in computers for a long time now. Back before The Apple Macintosh has been around for most of that time. I do not understand how it has not dominated the market. It always reminds me of Sony and Beta (you do remember Beta don’t you?). Beta was the superior competitor to VHS but look what happened to that…

It’s just some of the software and how much easier they make it. Anyone can figure out how to convert and store photos from their digital camera, create a jukebox, edit movies and burn it all to an impressive looking looking DVD. Of course it’s the iLife applications that I’m talking about, they come free with any Macintosh these days.

I thought Macs were a little easier to use even when iLife didn’t exist. It’s always been it little be easier to me. It’s not that I have any problem learning, I’ve programed computers from assembly code to fortran any used operating systems from Atari to pSystem to Linux. Macs are definitely a little bit more money but I always think it’s worth it.

I just got the new version of iLife but haven’t had much time to play with it but it even has a few more features that makes you DVDs even look more professional. The iPhoto program is supposed to be a lot faster and store more photos, but I don’t use it for much other than red-eye reduction. They also have a new program called Garage Band to create your own music.

I love the train!!!

I’m off to see friends (Heather, Nan and the rest of the Allegan crew and whomever is visiting) and I’m on the train from Dearborn to K’zoo and I’m loving it. It’s so easy and you get the landscape (if you can call it that) floating by the window and I can blog/read/computer/etc. It’s pretty full (and left a little late) and I’m sitting next to this really quiet woman (reading Steven King) with my coke, my blog and I’m ready to watch a movie or something…

The Dearborn train station is a mile from my house and has free parking that’s right next to the police station which makes this extra convenient for me!


Saw lots of friends today:

  • Still got to hang out with Heather and friends. Dad made a bunch of us breakfast. And we got a lot of snow on the west side (Allegan) of the state.
  • Had dinner with Judy in East Lansing. Got ice creme and did a little Christmas shopping too.
  • Barb &Karl were in town (from Indiana) and got a bunch of us together. Saw some people I had seen before and met a few new ones.
  • And I got to stop by the Apple Store today too!
  • Got to talk to some friends on the phone as I was driving around the state…
    All and all, a great day.

  • A Few Good Things……

    Gave a demonstration/class today on a new system (I sure hope this works!) we’re running at work and everyone was pretty happy about it. Usually change isn’t good!

    Helped someone get a really good price on a Dell computer. I really like helping people buy technology! Especially with their money!

    The other was a network issue that we never exactly figured out, but it was interesting and educational still trying to figure out what the person was doing and they were doing something but were they doing something “wrong”? We were highly entertained during the chase.