Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Another Year Over

Schools Out. My babies are gone. I’ve got tomorrow off. I’m just about to get into bed. Okay, (since you asked) I’ll elaborate.

The last day of school for the teachers was today! My phone should ring a lot less with all the things that they’ve thought of the last 9 months that they want to remind me of as they run out the door. It’s still busy, our fiscal year ends in 3 weeks so lots of wrap up and then the new one starts and that takes time and then it’s mid-july and everyone is back in a month…

I want to go to England for a week in July, anyone have suggestions on where to get the best price from Detroit?

Okay, so they aren’t my babies. Day care for the district is in my building so I get to see all the little kids when they go for walks or play outside etc. But they are all wonderful and I already miss them. Whatever it is in the drinking fountains at school that causes the staff to get so pregnant so often also causes the children to be beautiful and smart and to generally like me. They are great kids and the department that takes care of them does an excellent job. It’s great to see them and they all know who Mr. Gary is. Speaking of the water in the district, one of my favorites’ became a big sister today as her mom had twins!

I’m all tuckered out from the last few weeks, so I took a vacation day tomorrow, made a list that maybe I’ll cross a few things off of. I’ve got the new Lee Child and Dean Koontz books from the library. The forecast isn’t great, maybe I can cross a few items off. And play outside on Saturday. Maybe I’ll rollerblade, I got my bike out the other day and it was great to ride around.

Bonuses today: Lots of end of the year/retirement food. Very few voice mails. Visiting teachers on maternity leave, which really means I got to see/hold/play with a few babies. Lots of hugs and handshakes from people leaving for the summer or forever.

One more week..

It’s been crazy the last few weeks. Lot’s of late nights at work, I’ve been doing 6-8 sessions with teachers, graduation and the end of the year get together is tonight and tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment and then I had a 12-2 session with more teachers. Most of the staff will be gone for the summer in a week but it’ll still be busy. Lots of end of the year stuff (our fiscal year starts July 1) and then stuff to start the new year. Hopefully a vacation in July! :)

The get together tonight will be nice, it’s like a wedding reception but instead of a Bride & Groom, we have retiree’s. And we’ve got a great band, L’usa whom I normally go to see when they play at the local restaurants/bars/clubs.

Senior Quote

Today was graduation. I get to sit on the stage since I’m an administrator for the district. I was just going to comment on the class quote but now that I’m thinking about it I’ll tell you why this was extra emotional for graduation. I started this job three and a half years ago, just a few months before there was an accident in front of the school and one of the students died while crossing the street. That was shortly after they all just started a new high school. There were lots of speeches that mentioned her and a poem read by three of the women who then presented her father with a degree for her. Lots of tears and smeared mascara. I was very glad to be there tonight.

But back to the class quote, it was something like:

Your life isn’t measured by the number of breaths you take.
It’s measured by the number of times your breath is taken away.

I do wonder how my life will be measured by others in the future and I really liked how this made me think about how I measure my life.

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I Finally Made the Cover of a National Magazine

reasoncover2This is the cover of this the June 2004 Reason magazine. For those of you who don’t know, this is an ariel view of my house (click to zoom). Everyone who was a subscriber got a personalized cover and a some other personalized portions. Honestly, this is why I subscribed… I’m sure a bunch of people will freak out due to the lack of privacy. But they don’t have any anyways, this just puts it in their face. I’m dying to know what my postal carrier thought when he delivered that day…

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The Question – RAOJ

Has there ever been a moment in your life when you felt at one with (nature, God, the universe, etc.
So I was on this retreat with college friends. We were in Missouri up in the Ozarks and it was beautiful there, in the mountains with a lake and a great view from all over. I’m not a particularly athletic person but every so often I get into running and the first few times after I haven’t done it in a while I go pretty good. I decided to go for a run and as I went I kept getting farther and farther around that lake. I decided I’d go around it. It turns out it was a big “L” (not exactly but there was a part/leg I couldn’t see) but from where we were it looked like an “I” so it was much farther and I just kept going and going and it was just great and incredible out in these woods with the water all around and all this adrenaline just running through me keeping me going. I was gone for ages and non-stop and just kept going I never knew where all of that came from I just kind of floated around on that for the rest of the weekend….

From Random Acts of Journalling

Meme about blogging – RE: Blogs

1. Blog confession time: Is there a topic that you shy away from on purpose on your blog? What is that topic, and why?
I barely ever complain, so that keeps me out of trouble but that’s a topic as much as a concept. Dating is something I avoid, I’d probably mention holidays or something in regards to it but just generally talking about dating I’d avoid. Because if I blog less or more it’s sure to mean something that I didn’t intend and I don’t want people comparing notes (that I supply)…
2. Define your blog to the world – in six words.
Nice, fun, happy, non–politcal, geek-ish, thoughtful…
3. Repeat question from RE: Blogs 1: What is current, most favorite blog tool?
Ecto is a great blogging client for the desktop for OS X, be sure to check it out (I thin ikthey just did a windows version). Also, I just added PHP to my Movable Type system, that was a breeze and helps me do a few things more efficiently…
4. RE:Blogs that have captured your attention – – no number limit here – – hand out some link luvin’s from your blog to theirs
  • Here In Katie’s Head I get to read about a semi-normal person through their on-line diary.
  • Heather thinks Rambling is Good for the Soul and she’s been a friend for a ling time, it’s interesting to keep in touch without direct communication.
  • Sarah is definitely a SassyPants I don’t know where I found her but I like my daily dose.
  • I just got Dawn hooked on blogging so she’s been a must read lately.
  • Melissa is Anything but Ordinary and posts a good read too.
  • I’ve been using The Daily Meme and Lost (and Found) Memes lately when looking for things to blog about, they’ve made it easier which means I do it more. Not sure if that’s a good thing. (Shameless plug)
  • This Fish Needs a Bicycle even has an application on-line.
  • This is taking forever to do this part… I’ve either got the above memorized or I was playing with a RSS feed beta in Yahoo! so I had the addresses on hand. I’ll have to elaborate on these and others more later…
  • Your computer – Weekend Wonderings

    1. What kind of computer do you have? Describe it for me! (Like how big is your hard drive, how much memory you have…)
    My main G4 PowerBook is work’s actually, but it’s be come my main one everywhere. The 12 inch screen makes it so portable! One GHz, 60GB, 768MB RAM, CD/DVD-R/W, 802.11G. It’s nice. It’ll plug into my cell phone for Internet access too! The desktop is pretty much the same thing without the wireless and a few extra external drives with a 1.3GHz G4 upgrade card. Remember that 1.3 GHz on a G4 is faster then a P4 (probably more like 2.0 (or 2.5?). And I have an XP machine mostly so I can synchronize my Palm OS phone and go to web sites that people weren’t capable of making OS X compatible…
    2. How long have you had your computer? Do you plan on getting a new one soon?
    The laptop is new, so no. The desktop recently got that upgrade card so I’ll wait a while for that. The XP machine is fast enough to sync my palm so no. I’d like something faster to control the music for my stereo…
    3. How many computers do you have in your home? Are they networked/firewalled?
    Hmm… I’ve got another old one running Linux (just for fun) and another old one controlling the music on my stereo. Firewalled? Heck yeah, I’ve got two hardware firewalls. They’re cheap enough these days! Battery backups (on everything) and an alarm system to go with the rest of it.

    From Weekend Wonderings

    That wasn’t the question.

    In case you weren’t sure, this story is a typical situation with me. You notice how she thought she was in an argument about something important…