Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Viagra, Penises, Spam, iPods and Love

It’s a little annoying that when comments get spammed because I have the plugin (scode captcha) that asks you the the little question before you post. I can’t imagine they just put in the code for the dozen spam messages, so maybe they got past it somewhow. I’ll take some tips on this if you have them (MT 2.661).captcha code

The odd thing is that it’s just a message full of URLs and the word penis and viagra (etc.) all over it. I’d probably not notice it as quick if they only did one (instead of a dozen). But what I don’t get is why doesn’t the message say something more like, “It’s great the you got a new iPod Photo, but you should see what I bought and I’m sure it made my sex life better than your new iPod did.” I’m sure they’d get a few more takers to click on it…

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When I’m Gone

So what will people think when I’m gone? When friends/family go through stuff and “find things” what will they think? When mom goes through my phone bills and charge charges what will make her wonder? What’s a “PayPal”? What the hell is a “BlogShare” and am I really worth that much? When she gets a bill from Network Solutions for in a few years will she pay it? When she gets friends to help go through my stuff what will they wonder? Will they go though old journals when they find them or just pitch them? Maybe they’ll tear our the pages relevant to past people in my life and mail them to them? (I kinda like this last one)

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These are 3 of my favorite things

List 3 of each:
Pet Peeves: irresponsible cell phone use, people yelling at their kids for every little thing, honking
Favorite Sounds: babbling brooks, ocean waves, (white noise from my sleep/sound machine)
Favorite Candy: smarties a.k.a. lentilky (m&m-like things from overseas), m & m’s and receeses peanut butter cups.
Biggest Fears: no wife, no kids, drowning
Biggest Challenges: talking slower, listening longer
Favorite Department Stores: target, best buy, compusa
Most Used Words: but, also, if
Favorite Pizza Toppings: pepperoni, ham & pineapple, meat lover’s
Favorite Cartoon Characters: kim possible, speed racer,
Movies Recently Watched: garden state, wimbledon, spiderman 2
Favorite Fruits: cantelope, strwberries, banannas
Favorite Vegetables: corn (canned or cob), brocolli, potatoes (baked)
You can find this at The Daily Meme.

International Dating

1. How many people have you dated that were not naturalised citizens of your country?
I can only think of three. But I didn’t ask for papers…
2. Have you ever dated someone that was not of your race? How did that work out?
No problems due to that (just the usual problems).

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Six months to live…

Tinne was talking about it here. So I started thinking about it, my “before I die” list definitely changes if I know it’s going to be that short. I’ve got stuff I want to do but honestly most of the stuff I want (marriage, kids, etc.) isn’t going to happen in the next six months. So what would I do? This is all assuming I “know” that it’s six months. And that I’m not in excruciating pain or something.

I’d quit work. Cash out all my savings and retirements. Actually I’d take a leave so I could keep the health and the life insurance (if I’m gonna be crazy for 6 months, mom might as well as benefit if I slip or fall or something). Probably work for free at a day care or something like that (I love kids).

I’d be traveling with friends. Probably some busy trips and probably some go to a destination and just relax for a while. Never made it to France so that’s be on the list and maybe a cruise or three. Definitely some time on the beach in Costa Rica. And I’d like to see the pyramids. I usually try to travel conservatively but since it’s not like I’d have to pay the charge cards back or anything, it’d be first class all the way. Of course I’d be traveling with the latest electronic gizmos and such. I’d have to blog my last six months, maybe sell the book rights…

I’d like to think there’d be lot’s of sex and such, but based on my recent experience, I’m not sure why that would change. But I guess I wouldn’t be looking for commitment and if they know I only got six months, I’m assuming they aren’t either. Besides, that’s such a good line (I’ve only got six months to live…). Besides this would help me to sell the book rights, right?

I’ve always wanted to go into outer space, do you think the trip would be cheaper if it was only one way?

I’d probably throw out / sell / give away bunches of stuff so mom wouldn’t have to dig through it later. Or at least use a bunch of post-its so she knows who gets what and what might be worth something and what’s trash.

I’d buy and give away lots of music and books, I always have stuff that (I think) friends/relatives should read/listen to. I assume they’d do it if it was some final wish…

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A child is a message we send to a time and place we will never be.

I liked this quote. I don’t have kids, but I hope someday I’ll help them to carry (or be) a message that is a good one.

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A Birthday Story

So do you remember A Christmas Story? Do you remember when Darren McGaven (aka the Night Stalker) won “a major award”? Well I got one for my birthday this weekend! It’s excellent! Mark bought it for me and he doesn’t even remember that part of the movie. He had it shipped to his work and everyone saw it (there’s a photo on the box) and everyone came over to ask about it (I used to work there so they all know me). The box was even marked FRAGILE. If you haven’t seen this movie it’s a must see. WGN usually runs it for 24 hours straight the day before Christmas (or is it Thanksgiving?).

And did I tell you than it lights up the leg too!?!

A very cool lamp. Although it’s not like it matches any of my stuff. I better be careful or I’ll poke my eye out….

What I do (and don’t) post about.

I generally don’t post about dating, I assume all my past and present girlfriends read my entries. No my Ego is not that big, I just post with such an assumption so that I can stay out of trouble. I won’t leave out if/when I get engaged/married. And once I’m married I’m assuming I’ll post more about the relationship. I will not complain about the wedding planning process publicly until after the wedding (assuming I do go through with the process). They were talking about this at SpiralInSpiral but my thoughts got too long for the comments.

Watch out when I have kids though, I’ll give you every little detail. (Can they sue for embarrassment when they get older?) Not today’s laws, but with the laws of the future…

I also try not to complain to much (although many times when I post facts people think I’m complaining), I want the complaining to be a very small percentage of my posts, I think my (few) readers prefer it that way.

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