Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Torn Shoulder

So I’m in the hospital today. Mom’s getting some surgery on her shoulder. We had to be here by 6:15 am, did you know it’s still dark out then?!? She’s done already and the Doc said everything went perfect and she’ll be out of recover in a few hours. Yeah!!

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Mental – Weekend Wonderings

1. Would you say you have a good memory?
I have a great memory, it’s recalling my memories that’s the problem. I’m serious, sometimes I don’t know what someone is talking about, but once I get it, I recall it with great detail.
2. Have you ever taken an iq test?
No (at least I don’t remember it).
3. Were/are you happy with your grades in school?
I’ve never been big on grades, there wasn’t enough of a connection between them and knowledge. Most of the classes in a topic I was good in I generally got bad grades (I was bored or distracted).

From Weekend Wonderings .

Distance – Friday Q

FQ1: What’s the furthest North you’ve been on this world? What were you doing there?
Alaska, I went there on vacation when I was 15 (with a bunch of people I didn’t know).
FQ: What’s the furthest South you’ve been on this world? What were you doing there?
Costa Rica, I was there on vacation twice and I’m ready to go back again…
FQ3: Where were you born, and what’s the furthest you’ve been from that spot?
I was born in Michigan and the farthest away I’ve every been was probably Prague on vacation and it’ll probably be my summer trip this year.
FQ AWAY: Name a blog you read that’s the most distant from you… whether it be emotionally, culturally, religiously, or by physical location.
I’d swear that I read one in New Zeland but I can’t figure out which one it is.

From the Friday Q.

Four for Friday

Was thinking I’d do a meme or two before bed. I’ll do this one from Four for Friday

Q1: Which is a bigger waste of time in your life… being stuck in traffic or being placed on hold during telephone calls? Which do you find more annoying?
Probably being stuck in traffic for two reasons. I’m probably not getting anything done and now I’m probably late… On the phone on hold I can at least get other stuff done (if you want them to answer quick, just start brushing your teeth).

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Another nice Saturday!

So it’s another nice Saturday in the Detroit area (Dearborn actually). Lots of sunshine and it’s not too cold either. Got the car washed, went to the library, ran a few errands and got and sandwich at Burger King. I’m posting this at the WiFi BK, their WiFi is semi-screwed up again but I managed to get around it get it to work.

Need to do some organizing around the house but I’ll wait until the sun is shining into that room. Not much of an exciting weekend but it’s nice to relax and get a bit more sleep than usual…

A different kind of Monday

So you know how Mondays are: it’s the beginning of the week, it’s back to work, it’s raining and it’s cold and there is a board meeting so you have to be at work until 9 at night… So it was that same kind of day. Almost…

For one thing my presentation (technology update as to what we’ve been up to, what we’re doing and what we will be doing) to the board went very well and I even got a few questions the audience in addition to the questions from the board members.

Plus I got some other good news that I’ll tell you more about later since I haven’t even mentioned it to friends/family/co-workers yet and a few minor details hammered out still (so I’m going to hold it in for another day or three). But I’m very excited…

What a bunch of junk…

I can’t believe how much stuff I have. A lot of it is old computer/stereo stuff that was a fortune that I can’t bear to part with because (A) it was expensive when I got it or (B) what if someone I know needs a spare part for that model someday (in the far future) or (C) someday I might want a bunch of this stuff for the Gary LaPointe Computer Museum (actually if I ever have my own company or consulting firm the lobby/waiting room will be a computer museum of sorts).

Needless to say I cleaned/sorted the spare bedroom and storage area (under the stairs) and threw away a lot of stuff. Grabbed a few things to give a away and put a bunch of stuff in the garbage. The storage room is done, the spare bedroom will never be done but at least you can move around in there (and all the holiday stuff is down and in the farthest corner).

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Breaking my landline phone

So I increased my minutes on my cell phone. The intent was to give up my landline and save $$$.

So I’m having issues giving up my phone number. I’ve considered something like Packet8 (VOIP) Voice Over IP (19.95 a month, only 3% tax, no other fees) for some phone over my high speed internet and while they’ll give me unlimited calls and let me keep my current number it’s kind of a wash dollar-wise after adding the extra minutes to my cell. I guess if it sounds great I could lower my cell plan but I’m just not sure.

I’d probably be happy with even just switching my phone to a voice mail service or something internet related (like e-fax, at least they used to have voice mail) like that. If I could keep my number somehow just for a little while so I don’t have to lose it if I change my mind.

Is anyone out there doing something like this? Any suggestions?

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