Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Ten things that turn you off about the opposite sex

  • Smoking
  • Lying
  • Smelling (Feet, Breath, etc.)
  • Always late (just tell me a different time or call to say it’s going to be later)
  • Whining
  • Snoring
  • Lack of decision making skills (location for dinner or what to order should not take more than 10 minutes each)
  • Takes longer to get ready than the actual event itself
  • Not knowing how to say “I don’t know” (or “I’m sorry”)
  • Judgemental/Bigoted

    From Ten on Tuesday

  • What to talk about…

    So it’s been a little crazy lately. While I seems like I spent all my time in February talking about books and music, it seems all I’ve been doing lately is some of the memes that are out there (but they’re so much easier than doing a meaningful post).

    Routine Scheduled Maintenance – The Thursday Threesome

    Onesome: Routine— Tell us about your morning routine. Do you get up at the same time every day, or do you sometimes hit the snooze button on your alarm clock more often than you should? Do you head straight for the coffee or into the shower?
    A bright light turns on automatically just before the alarm, I hit snooze a few times and get up. Turn the shower on, put some bacon on the stove and hop in the shower. Flip the bacon, get some clothes, bacon in the oven to warm and put on an egg. Grab the cellphone out of the charger, drag the podcasts that got downloaded in the night onto the iPod. Flip egg, dress, cut a slice of catelope, eat, leave. (Other than the iPod part this has been my routine for years)
    Twosome: Scheduled— What’s on your schedule for the day? Do you schedule every minute or go with the flow?
    I gotta go with the flow, but there are days when it’s all pre-scheduled in advance.
    Threesome: Maintenance— What do you do to maintain your sanity each day in this hectic world? Do you find a little time to yourself each day and meditate, or wait until everyone’s tucked in for the night and log on to the computer or settle down with a book? Or do you run off to the gym and maintain your body while maintaining your mind?
    I always need to escape work and get lunch and I generally read a book while eating. Sometimes I’ll read before bed too (but a different book, since the first one is still in the car).

    From The Thursday Threesome

    Question of the Week is…

    Would you enjoy it– not ‘would you’ or ‘would you not’, but ‘would you have a good time’– if you spent a month of solitude in a setting of your choice? Food, shelter, and any other physical needs would be taken care of, but you could have no contact with any other person. What would you do? What would your setting be?
    I think I could and would have a good time. I would be somewhere warm, on the beach. I’d want my my computer, music, audio books and a bunch of podcasts to listen to; actually I’d probably have some regular books too. Can I have a telescope and some clear skies? I’d love internet access (high speed of course) and if it was required I could avoid two way communication (e-mail and chat etc.) but I want to be able to work on my sites. I’d need to atleast blog about not having human contact(?).

    From the Question of the Week.

    At this very moment… – Tuesday Twosome

    1. Are you craving anything and if so, what?
    I’m craving the attention of a new romantic relationship….
    2. What is the weather outside, and do you wish it would change?
    Cold and snowy. Yes I wish it were sunny (and 90 degrees)
    3. What two websites do you think you will go to next after you are finished here?
    Probably some podcasting sites; I haven’t checked what was new lately.
    4. Do you wish you were somewhere else and if so, where?
    Somewhere warm. Costa Rica has been on my mind lately.
    5. Do you wish you were someone else, and if so, who?
    Someone else… Unless it’s someone who just won the lotto I really don’t have anyone to be anyone else.

    From the Tuesday Twosome.

    Time and Space…

    If time and space are (sort of) the same thing, why can’t I just drive back a half-hour to get to church at ten (instead of ten-thirty)? I really really thought service was at ten-thirty…

    When I Was Little…

    1. My Favorite Food Was?:
    Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. It was pretty much all I ate.
    2. My Favorite Drink Was?:
    Kool-aid (probably something red-flavored).
    3. My Favorite Game Was?:
    We played a lot of the board game Life.
    4. My Favorite Show Was?:
    The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday Nights
    5. My Favorite Person Was?:
    With hindsight I’d say my Grandfather, but I really don’t remember what I thought at the time.

    Chick Chat

    Blogging – It’s Blogcess

    1) How long have you been blogging?
    One year and a few months.
    2) How many templates (looks) have you had for your blog since it’s inception? Do you design your own or have someone else do them for you?
    Probably close to ten, I had a while that I was messing with it all the time, especially when people complained about the swirling graphics. I usually use my own layout template but I usually use a free template as a basis; that means I’ll use some of their colors and a graphic or two.
    3) How many posts have you made on your blog? How often do you post?
    This will make number 573, I average about one-and-a-half a day but I don’t post every day… I post every few days, more on the weekends.
    4) For many of us having a blog also means we read blogs. Let’s share a few of our favorites for some blog recess linky love.
    I read gobs and gobs of them. You can see my blogroll list on my home page on the lower right.

    From It’s Blogcess