Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Lunch Outside

So for the second day in a row I got to eat lunch outside! It was so great outside with the sunshine and barely any clouds. I wish it could be like this on a weekend…

It’s been really quiet at work this week. Most of the staff have the week off since they are teachers or principals. Most of the rest of them took the week off anyway for a trip or because their kids have the week off (or just because).

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So it’s Friday and I’m off to bed early (again). We did hit happy hour a few hours earlier than usual (since work was closed today), we actually left at the time we usually arrive. Still, I think I might need a few more things going on in my life to keep me busy. Actually, a few more things related to dating (and not sleeping) would probably be more of a step in the right direction…

You could have had me for $55!

Cat in the hat in a classroomSo you could have had the Cat in the Hat come to your house for the meager price of $55!!! I went a little cheap (and that was after I bid against the first low bid that was just sitting there; does that count as insider trading?) but a lot of items seemed to go for a bargain this time around; I’m not sure if there wasn’t enough people, too many items or the money crunch is hitting more and more pockets. I’ll end up reading at a young lady’s birthday party in a few months (I think she’ll be six) and I think her mom will probably making it a Dr. Seuss themed party. I always run into the birthday girl around town, I wonder if she’ll recognize me? The (school fund raising) auction was fun; it’s always great to do the silent bids and then see what you got later… I walked away with four items that I “won”.

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Not For The Faint-Hearted – TGIF

1. Are you afraid to die?
No. It’s going to happen (I’d just prefer it’s later than sooner).
2. If you had your way, would you rather die because of a lingering disease or instantaneously?
Instantly. But it does have the disadvantage of not being able to put your affairs in order.
3. It’s your last day alive and you know it. How will you spend your last 24 hours on earth?
With my friends and family. Maybe buy (charge) them all sorts of gifts since I won’t have to pay off the charge cards…
4. Describe your funeral or wake.
A regular old church service with everyone getting together for some food/drinks/celebration-type stuff. I’d like something different, maybe a drawing for some prizes or something…
5. How would you want your remains to be put to rest? (Ashes scattered at sea, traditional burial, your urn at your family’s mantle, be preserved like a mummy… eww.)
It doesn’t really matter too much. Probably buried in the regular old way, maybe launch my body (or ashes into space?).

From TGIF.

My biggest blog screwup ever…

I was cleaning up one of my other web sites that I work on and I just accidently deleted all my pings/trackbacks back to this site. Fortunately there were only 23. The important this is that I noticed it just as I was about to delete all the comments for this site!!!!! That would have been hundreds of comments…


It’s been cold lately but at least it’s been sunny. There’s even been a few unseasonably warm days (or small portions of days) here and there. I bring this up because so many people complain about the cold but it’s very bearable to me if I have the sunshine. I suppose it’s a bonus that I do get to park inside at my house so that I don’t have to get in a cold car or scrape it or anything like that… But still…

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Interesting or unusual things in my home…

Imagine that you are a guest in your own home. Which three things would you find most interesting or unusual?

  • The Leg Lamp (from A Christmas Story)
  • All the remote controls
  • All the books (and the inconsistency diversity of the topics)

    From The Daily Three Things

  • Highway of Life

    Gary LaPointe Highway

    Wealthville 9
    Lake Love 22
    Valley of Depression 53
    TravelWorld 144
    Bog of Eternal Marriage 359
    Please Drive Carefully
