Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Not yet

1) What haven’t you done yet in your life that you’d really like to do someday? Why? Will you do any of those things in the near future? Are you making progress toward them?
I’d really like to get married and have kids. It’s just something I feel I should do. I’d make a great Dad, everyone says so. I’ll probably adopt if I don’t ever get married.
2) If you could completely start your life over from scratch, what would you do differently the second time around (if anything)? Why?
What would I do differently..? I might have not let a few of the good girlfriends “get away”. I didn’t date much when I was younger so I didn’t really know what I was doing once I met some great women. Also, I’d definitely do a few different things when the Internet came around again; I totally missed the chance to be an Internet millionaire.

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You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Man is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.

Cultural Creative 

What is Your World View? (created with

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!!

Mom kidMom floridaAnd I just wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms and Mother’s to be! There seem to be a be quite a few of you blogging about it.

These photos are (obviously) of my Mom! The one she’s about 10 (I’d guess) and the other (well I won’t say how old she is, but the photo is three years old) is a photo of her in Florida (St. Pete Beach?).

Your Birthdate: September 11

Your birth on the 11th day of the month makes you something of a dreamer and an idealist. You work well with people because you know how to use persuasion rather than force. There is a strong spiritual side to your nature, and you may have intuitive qualities inherent in your make up, too.

You are very aware and sensitive, though often temperamental. Although you have a good mind and you are very analytical, you may not be comfortable in the business world. You are definitely creative and this influence tends to make you more of a dreamer than a doer.

A lot of this matches up pretty good. Give it a try! From BlogThings: What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

There’s no yelling

So Sarah and I are out to lunch today, we work in the same building and get lunch occasionally (and she calls with computer problems occasionally). We’re at Subway, where I usually don’t go, if it were a place I usually go, I’d know what I wanted before we even got there. So were in line chatting while I’m trying to figure out what to get and the subway lady (SL) is waiting for us. After we order and the SL is making our subs we had something we were talking/disagreeing/bantering about, so I said to the SL, “So… How long do you think we’ve been going out?” Sarah managed to keep a straight face and we proceeded to pressured her into giving an answer. Her answer was something like, “Not very long, since there wasn’t any yelling”. But she never asked us how long, which was good since we would have had to lie or fess up that we aren’t dating.

That brought a smile to my face multiple times today, “since there wasn’t any yelling”…

Stupid phones…

It’s amazing how great your day can be going and one stupid phone conversation can ruin it….

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Let’s Go Digital! (Monday Madness)

From the time you get up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, how many different digital/electronic devices do you use on any given day? Please consider listing them, as it would be interesting to see what everyone comes up with!
A timer automatically turns on a light about 10 minutes before my alarm, the digital alarm clock goes off (playing a CD), I use my remote to turn lights on and off, I use my garage door opener, I play my iPod, I use my cell phone (which is also my day planner), I use the computer at work (and that’s all before lunch).

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Get On Board – QOTD

If a spaceship landed in your front yard tomorrow and announced that you could go anywhere in the universe…….
a) would you get in the spaceship? You bet, no question about it.
b) if you did, where would you ask to travel? I don’t think it really matters where. I’d just be happy if they brought me back in a year or two.
Do you believe alien life exist in other parts of the universe? It has to! Why else would the rest of it be here if there wasn’t life elsewhere.

From QOTD 4/17/05.