Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Astronaut Gary

Astronaut garyI can’t tell you how much I wanted to be an Astronaut when I was a kid. When they built and launched the Space Shuttle I thought I’d be able to do it as a passenger but with major setbacks every few years we haven’t gotten there yet. This was a suit that they had at NextFest (see my other NextFest posts). They kept pointing the to the sensors on the front and asking kids about it (the stick way out so you can’t look down in the suit) but the suit was missing the item you’d need to read the sensors so most of the kids weren’t making the connection.

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Comments are fixed!!!

I didn’t even know they were broken. Although I was a little disappointed on the lack of comments recently I just thought it was slow (or I’ve been extra boring).

Tonight, I realized it’s been 3 days with out any comments (and I’ve posted more than usual). So I started poking around. I was changing something on the layout 3 days ago and while it seemed fine when I was done, I guess I broke something. And it broke it for all the posts so you couldn’t even post on the older posts.

So if you’ve commented on something recently, it’s been lost. Sorry. PLEASE feel free to post (or repost) any any post again…

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Where are those rocks that I’m talking about…

NWU MapSo this is where I was when I did the rock tour (see recent posts). It’s also where I was when I went rollerblading part of the time and where I just liked to relax. You can see in the zoomed in part (you did click on the thumbnail image?) that fuzzy edge near the water along Lake Michigan, it’s all these huge rocks (or big chunks of cement) along the shoreline. It’s probably about 40-60 feet of these along the shoreline to the water (if not more) and many are painted with these some of these sayings on them.

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37 people killed and 700 wounded

In case you’ve been in a cave today here are some headlines.

  • London attacks kill dozens as world leaders meet 
  • London Bombers Hunted
  • Bush orders U.S. vigilance after London blasts

    So just three days after I mention we haven’t have to raise the terror alert level and how happy that’s made me. Here we are…

    These attacks bother me more than they used to. Ever since the 9/11 attacks deaths of larger proportions have bothered me more and more (a lot more). As a child I wasn’t generally bothered by disasters. If a plane crashed I understood it was still safer than driving. If there was some disaster a flood or a hurricane I still knew more people than that probably died in traffic accidents (Google-ing finds me about 40,000 per year); it didn’t make it okay, it just helped me to compartmentalize it. I’ve always understood that the TV sensationalized the disasters and basic things like car crashes were old news and not covered and it’s always annoyed me and helped me to not get to stressed about these things; I knew there was so much more that I wasn’t hearing about.

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  • Toss and Turn…

    I slept so poorly last night. I kept waking up and tossing and turning. And I had to get to work on time since everyone else in the technology department is on vacation. After a long weekend, especially with the stormy weather the odds of something acting up are pretty good. Of course everything was fine…

    Then I realized I signed up for the overnight shift for the shelter so there’s not much sleep tonight if I get paged. Ugh…

    Pretty flowers

    evanston flowersI found these lovely plants with their lovely reds and purples and greens. The were in a spot either welcoming me to Evanston or Northwestern’s Campus (or maybe the downtown Evanston area). They were just really bright and cheerful so I took a few photos :)

    The photos didn’t come out as well as I’d like but you still get to see them since I liked them. The two that didn’t get thumbnailed are here and here

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    The Morning Light

    We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.So here’s another painted rock with a quote on it (click image to enlarge) that I saw down by Lake Michigan. As I was walking along all these rocks (which really means jumping precariously from rock to rock) I had the darn Avril song running through my head. It was really kinda sad as I’m reading these rocks with different inspiring and sad messages running through my head. There were some really great ones but they were too faded or just too difficult (lighting/angle/shadows) to get a photograph of.

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    They keep running through my head

    And I don’t wanna fall to pieces
    I just want to sit and stare at you
    I don’t want to talk about it
    And I don’t want a conversation
    I just want to cry in front of you

    Fall To Pieces – Avril Lavigne

    So these darn lyrics keep running through my head (they play this part of the song in the iTunes preview so listen if you have it). I don’t know why they keep resonating in my head and my heart lately. I can certainly relate to the feelings in general, but nothing in particular currenlty, which is why I’m confused that they keep coming up. And it’s just this part of the chorus that sticks, until I looked the lyrics up I never even noticed that the next line was “Cuz I’m in Love With you” although it was perfectly clear to me that there was some deep love that was friendship or romance.

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