Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Four (by 8) things

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Web Programmer
Computer Trainer
Camp Counselor

Four movies you could watch over and over:

The Flight of the Navigator
The American President

The Cutting Edge
A Christmas Story

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Mixing My Metaphors

So I was talking about being “obsessive compulsive” or maybe it was “anal retentive” but you have to watch when you mix your metaphors because it sounds a lot worse when you say that you’re “anal compulsive” compared to the other way around…

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Saturday Six – 89

1. Which of the following generally costs you more: a normal trip to your barber/hairstylist, your usual lunch at your favorite restaurant, the most recent amount you paid to fill up your gas tank, or your biggest single contribution to a single charity in 2005?
My biggest contribution to a single charity was the largest: which would to First Step (the shelter I volunteer at). Next would be Gas, Hair, Lunch.
2. What drink — alcoholic or not — do you drink entirely too much of?
Coca-Cola. My other drinks are water, Cap’t + Coke, Long Island Iced Teas, and a fruity drink that tastes like Hawaiian Punch.

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Two Years Blogging

So it’s been two years that I’ve been blogging!!! I’m still short three posts from 1,000 but maybe I’ll have something more introspective to post in a few days. I just couldn’t let the day go without a post. Besides, I have a few questions for you…

Blogging facts from Gary Said…

  • This is really my third permutation of my web site title and my fourth URL, but it’s the only dedicated one so I’m thinking I’ll be sticking to it for good (I hope). I got the distinct address to separate it from (more professional?) non-blogging activities. I’ll probably only switch if I got something better, like
  • I get block about 500 comment/trackbacks spam hits a day which is about 15,000 hits a month! Thank you MT-Blacklist and SpamLookUp! Blogging would be no fun without both of these tools (details on these tools below).
  • I’m still averaging about 3 posts every two days. And a few memes that I never got to finishing each week.

    My questions to you:

  • How often do you read my blog?
  • Why don’t you comment more?
  • Where are you from?
  • Have you seen The Daily Meme, my index of memes? (These aren’t my memes, just my index. Just a little self/cross-promotion…)

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  • Where’s my wallet?!?

    So I looked all over the house and checked my pockets but I can’t find my “wallet”. I put it in quotes because it’s not a wallet, it’s really all the stuff I keep in my pocket (some cash, a charge card, driver’s license, some business cards of mine, a few cards for the shelter and that’s about it). But I can’t find it. I checked the two pairs of pants I ware yesterday but no luck. I know I had it when I went to the library but I don’t know if I took it to the Christmas party last night. I was hungry so I didn’t look long and I had some other cash, I’m up at BK so At least I’m full now. It’s that I generally only put it on one or two places, I’ll look harder when I get home…

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    MycondocarSo there’s an interactive Flash-based map browser out called FlashEarth. It uses maps from Google or MSN and can superimpose cities and streets on the map. It’s very cool and pretty quick. It seems like the MSN maps zoom in a level closer. Give it a try!

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    Multiple Things…

    I love my Christmas tree! When I get a few more decorations up (and clean up the living room) I’ll do a picture. All the white lights are really bright though.

    Another 26 things got by me and I didn’t get more than one photo taken. I can’t find it (maybe it’s still on the camera).

    I need to finish my 101 things in 1001 days list since I know I’m going to be crossing one off this week.

    It was Cat in the Hat day in the morning and afternoon preschool so they asked me to dress up and come read to the kids! We did “The Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham” They all had paper hats (and big bow/bowties) that looked like the Cat in the Hat. :) seems to be down tonight (a few blogs and memes I like are up there).

    What Sort of Intellectual Are You? – Meme

    ScientificIntellectualYou’re a Scientific Intellectual!

    Kind of expected but I even changed a few of my answers on the few that I couldn’t decide on to see if it would change, but still scored the same. I guess I pretty much answered enough in that direction so that my poetic or philosophical answers were still out weighed.

    What Sort of Intellectual Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

    Found at UltraBlog.