Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

My Baby is going to hate me

So I’ve always known I’d do a website with photos and video whenever I get around to having or adopting a baby. I even already own the website name for it. But the more I watch Erika-Renee post pictures (and video and stories) of her new little Sammy on her blog it just makes my gears turn or my future options.

Remember I’m the guy who’s posted a few hundred photos of a few week trip to Egypt and I’m nowhere near done at this point. Imagine the opportunity to having a baby who’s there all the time, if their going to keep me awake I might as well as take photos! S/he is going to think that a camera click is just background noise all the time. The podcasts, photocasts and videocast options are just limitless….

Me on a camel


Originally uploaded by garylapointe.

So we went on a camel ride yesterday!

We rode them up a dune (15 minutes) and then back down across the Sahara desert (and hour?) to a village where we had a tour.
It wasn’t as hard as I thought it’d be!

Temple of Karnak

Karnaktall1GarykarnakAfter we flew to Luxor we went to the Temple of Karnak. It was very hot (I finally found a hat to buy) and everyone (and there were lots of people there) were all always trying to get into the shade. They started building this complex 3,000+ years ago and it took over 1,500 years! This place supplied me with a lot of great photos (I just don’t know if I can get them uploaded).

FYI: Luxor contains 1/3 of the world’s monuments (the rest of egypt contains another 1/3), I’m not sure what exactly defines a monument.

A picture of me!

Mecairomuseum-1So here’s a picture of me in front of The Museum in Cairo Cairo Museum for Egyptian Antiquities..


A match not meant to be…

My favorite sports-coat, a pocket, a permanent marker and a loose cap. Of course you realize there isn’t a good ending to the story…

Anyone have any Sharpie cleaning instructions?!?

Continue reading

The Friday Five

1. Do you like chicken?
Yes. I get that a lot when I eat out.
2. What is 1 food you can’t live without?
Probably just plain ol’ steak!
3. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Without questions I’m a night owl.
4. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla ice cream and shakes, chocolate everything else.
5. Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

Did they ask all the meat questions on a Friday during lent on purpose?!?

From The Friday Five.

When I grow up…


So I took the quiz and I scored in the area of Engineering/Mathematics. “You should be an Mathematics or Engineering major! Like Pythagoras, you are analytical, rational, and when are always ready to tackle the problem head-on!”

So I saw this at Amy’s and thought it’d be interesting to do. I scored pretty much in the area I thought I’d hit. I think the only reason I hit so high in the Journalism and English areas is because blogging influenced some of my answers to the writing and expressing questions. I’m surprised that biology didn’t show up higher but who knows how they figure the out. There was no computer or education areas in my results (or any that I’ve seen) so I’m assuming it’s not an option.

Go to QuizFarm to find out What is your Perfect Major?

Yes, I’m a total geek.

BamboozlesSo my local around the corner bar, JB Bamboozles in Dearborn, has just added WiFi and so here I am having a drink, eating, checking my mail and (of course) I’m blogging about it.

The other bonus of being here today is that I’ve been here on Friday’s and having the fish during lent and I miss my hot wings. So I’m having the hot wings that I’d normally get during Friday happy hour (although the perch has been excellent!).

In case you were wondering I am the only person here with a laptop. Heck I’m the only here not smoking. The rest of the crew here is regulars (way more regular than me) and people from the Ford plant(?). And of course the bartender, Jane is here too (sigh).