Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Six months to live.

Kyra asked these questions on her blog. She actually asked them two different ways: If you had six months and what if everyone had 6 months.

If you knew you only had six months to live, and the world was guaranteed to end for you – how would you live?

What would you do?
Take it easy, relax, travel and lots more.
Would you spend your money, or save it?
Spend it. I’d clear out my 403b, 401k and IRAs! Heck, I’d stop probably stop paying my bills.
Would you eat healthy/diet, or would you be into the ice cream and chips every day?
Not healthy (not any less healthy than now either). Maybe more desserts :)
Exer-what? Actually, I’d be running around so much I probably wouldn’t need any.
Would you stay in your current job, or find something else to do?
Six months? I’d quit! (I like my job but at that point what’s the point).

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So I’ve been doing stuff around the house

57422 Pe163006 S3So I’ve replaced my old tables at my place. They were old ones when I moved in 8 years ago. It was about time and it was an item on my 101 in 1001 list. Here’s the smaller one, the other one is just longer. The glass top is interchangeable with the wood, which I’ll never do, but I like the feature :)

Plus I put in this looonnngg cabinet along the front of the room, it’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for DVDs and CDs and “stuff”. It’s 77 inches long so it’s got room for a lots of items.

Also, I finally put some curtains up in the living room (this is also on my 101 in 1001 list)

It’s resulted in some movement and rearranging around the house. It’s never exactly what I want so I’m still thinking about the layout.

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I Don’t Talk Funny!

(Pick the word that is familiar to you or add one of your own)
1. Soda, Soft Drink, Soda Pop or Tonic – Soda
2. Hoagie, Sub, Po Boy, Grinder – Sub
3. Goobers or Peanuts – Peanuts (Goobers are chocolate covered peanuts around here)
4. Candlepin or Ten-Pin bowling – Just Bowling
5. Dungarees or Blue Jeans – Blue Jeans (or just Jeans)

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New Sunny Background

So I haven’t been blogging lately, but I did do a new background. Since it’s almost August it was really time to get rid o the 4th of July theme. I liked the bright colors so I tried again. I’ve been SO hot the last few days I thought the bright sunny layout was appropriate. I’m nowhere near as happy with the sun layout but I’ll stick with it for now. I got the background image from

I’ll try to catch up on some blogging soon…

Cooked to Medium Rare – Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Cooked to?– Okay, the easy one: if you’re having grilled meat (steak/hamburger) this weekend, how would you like it cooked?
Well done. I don’t need it like a puck but I don’t want any red. I don’t want any indication this was on a living creature at some time previous to my eating it….
Twosome: Medium– to large? …too large? What do you think of the big ol’ plasma screen HDTVs available now? I mean, would you if you could?
Awesome, but if you’ve got a room you can dim you can probably put in a projector for lots LE$$. Mine is 105 inches diagonally!
Threesome: Rare– Footage: one of the major news services recently announced they would make archived news coverage available for personal purchase on DVD. Is there any one piece/segment/area of old news (or new) you’d like to have on your bookshelf to view “whenever”?
Yes, I’d like all the times I’ve made it on TV for one reason or another on one DVD (and others in my family too). But real news? Not really.

From the Thursday Threesome

North South Meme

What is the furthest North and the furthest South you’ve ever been?
North would have to be somewhere along the coast of Alaska. South would have to be Egypt or Costa Rica (I’m going to guess Egypt since it’s a lot hotter there). Coincidentally, they are the first and last places I’ve traveled on my own.

From Question of the Day.

I slept great last night (which is awful)

I slept nine hours last night, so I feel pretty great. The problem is that I didn’t fall asleep until after five (no, I wasn’t doing anything exciting, I just wasn’t sleeping). So now that that I woke up after two I’m going to need to make myself tired with drugs early tonight (Ambien will be my friend) so I can get back on schedule or I’ll never get to work on time this week. And it’s night night I’m goign to be tired at all come 10 or 11 tonight…

So yesterday: I roller-bladed, ran all sorts of errands, drank only one bottle of coke (it was early in the afternoon and much below my normal intake) so why couldn’t I sleep?!? Sometimes I’m just like a little kid and I fight it off, but I’m nit sure why…

Red, White and Blue

ItunesredwhiteblueThe iTunes song of the Week (this week) is Red, White and Blue by Rockie Lynne. If you’ve got iTunes click here and scroll down to the lower left to download it for free.

It’s country, which isn’t really my thing. But the thing that caught my eye in the description is when it said “it’s willing to admit that flag-waving isn’t enough anymore” and it preaches tolerance “but doesn’t shove it down your throat”. I’m patriotic in that I’m incredibly grateful for this wonderful country we live it (even with it’s flaws), but I’m not a huge red/white/blue kind of person. I was the same way at college too, I loved it at MSU and raved about it to people, but I was a student much more that I was a spartan and my green and white ward robe still suffers.

Happy 4th of July!!!