This was an off-“Broadway” show (called Haunted) we saw someone bring flyers into one of the restaurants we were eating at so we took one and it sounding interesting. Then shortly after we happened to walk by the Arts Theatre and Haunted stuck in our heads so we decided to go…

Nineteen empty flats and just one sold. Why? What’s wrong with the place? And why does it want Alex and her children?Four friends for supper. No supper.An extra guest. A kitchen full of implements.The evening veers off its polite rails and ends up somewhere very dark.
(from the Haunted flyer)
Now finding the place again was tricky, they didn’t bother to print the address on the brochure; it’s at 6/7 (Great) Newport Street, London WC2 in case you’re looking for it. But it’s only there until June 14.
Great acting, it all took place in one room but it was done excellent! It was a little confusing at times, but it didn’t really affect the story: Were there spirits in the house? Were they a little cRaZy? Was it a bit in their heads? Was anyone actually possessed? I actually think you weren’t supposed to know…
I think the stories based on the property are actually true (at least I read it on-line somewhere, so it must be true).
My only ture complaint was that it ended abruptly, too abruptly for me, but Mom didn’t seem to mind… Continue reading →