Category Archives: food + drink

Eating, drinking, grocery shopping… Who knows what might be related to food and drink?

Lots of water (and goofy marketing)

So as we all know, metric is going to take the word by storm one of these days). HA!

The funny thing is I always thought of it as something that came over here from overseas, but the amount of signage in England that is in miles (and not kilometers) makes me laugh. I always chuckle when I see teachers teaching metric (I work for a school district) since it seems they are telling them the same thing they told me as a kid (and I’m still waiting).

Actually it’s bottled water that’s the cause of this post. One of my 101 in 1001 things items is to drink a 1/2 gallon of water a day for three weeks and see if it makes me feel healthier. So I bought water today (it’s on sale at Target) and the bottles are a 1/2 liter so I needed to figure out how many I needed to drink. Here’s the thing they don’t list it in ounces, they listed it as “1 pint 0.9 ounces” so I had to think if a pint was 16 ounces or not. Why wouldn’t they just list it as 16.9 ounces?!?

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This was my view at lunch!

This was my view at lunch!

Originally uploaded by garylapointe.

So this is what I got to look at while I was sitting on the pier at the beach eating my lunch.

It was a really great view of the city.

It was a pretty good burger too :)

What’s in your Fridge?

List 10 items that can always be found in your fridge at any given time on your blog. Copy and paste the directions on your weblog and tag 3 people to name 10 things that can always be found in their own fridge.

  • Orange Juice (lots of it)
  • Coke
  • Ketchup
  • Turkey Bacon
  • A bottle or two of wine
  • Wine (or whatever they’re made out of these days) coolers
  • A Britta pitcher filled with water
  • Eggs
  • Cantaloup (sp?)
  • Shredded cheese

    Found at Kirsi’s (who found it at Fi).

  • Conspiracy or coincidence?!?

    Every time I’m in Grand Rapids it’s always such a struggle to find Coca-cola. This does not make me very happy, especially when I’m dying for a coke…

    Magical things…

    I just really liked how this sounded so you get get to hear it too.

    ‘‘There’s something sort of magical about putting flour and sugar and eggs and chocolate chips in a bowl and having it turn into cookies that taste this good.’’


    57 More of the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the World: The Recipes That Won the Second National Chocolate Chip Cookies Contest St. Martin's PressMi from Le blog d’une voyageuse de femme said this and it stuck in my head (and now I want cookies).

    Slow Learners

    “I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every
    other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the
    locks, they are always locking three.”

    –Elayne Boosler

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    Thanksgiving in a bottle

    Target BottlesSo the Jones Soda company has released their Thanksgiving Dinner in a bottle. The soda flavors included are: Brussels Sprout with Prosciutto, Cranberry Sauce, Turkey & Gravy, Wild Herb Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie (Also included: Serving spoon, moistened towelette, and wine list). how cool is that?!? I’m armed with some to take with me to Thanksgiving Dinner. We’ll see who I can dare to try it.

    They also released a pack with Broccoli Casserole, Smoked Salmon Paté, Turkey & Gravy, Corn on the Cob, and Pecan Pie. I’d really like to try the Corn on the Cob but I guess that packaging was just regionally distributed.

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    Five Minute

    Why is is so quick to get takeout at a Chinese Restaurant when it takes SO long at a “fast food” joint?