Category Archives: Costa Rica 2008

Information on my multiple trips to Costa Rica. Specifically about exploring the Nicoya Peninsula and finding places I might like to live.

We didn’t make it as far as we thought.

Well, we didn’t make it as far as we hoped. We made it to the sand castle festival in Manzanillo (that’s a different story) and tried to head up to Coyote (because someone mentioned it as a close town we could get to). We followed the “maps” and we were going the way that we thought and we eventually hit a stream that was a good 30 meters across and we probably could have crossed it, except that they was no road on the other side of the stream (the photos are of the stream)! So we tried a few other roads but no mater what roads we headed north-ish on, we couldn’t get much father. So we back tracked to Santa Teresa and grabbed the first hotel with A/C and crashed there for the night

Img 8090Later, we did find out that the stream was the correct way to go. But I’m not sure our little 4×4 would have made it (I think so) but we didn’t even know which way to go.

We did get to catch a sunset here, Montezuma is on the other side of the peninsula so that’s the first on this trip. It was really nice even thought there was cloud cover over parts of it.

Today we’re going to head back north, but the very very long way around. So we probably won’t get near Coyote (we’ll end up way north of it) and see what’s way north of it.

Later: I did find out that was the correct way. But I’m still not sure if it would have been east or west. And you’re supposed to do it at low tide. Maybe next time.

Check out my Speedos!

Speedo-Img 7777So i understand how the locals do it, they’ve got feet like a hobbits on the bottom. But it’s the tourists that I don’t understand how they walk around without shoes on. Even in the rocky areas they don’t wear shoes but sometimes I see them hobbling along.

I need my beach shoes to get around, rocks and cement and stuff don’t work for me. I had to get some fancier ones this trip since some of the other ones I get don’t work when jumping off at waterfalls; it’s no fun to be up in the mountains and loose a shoe. These are a little comfier than some of the other ones I’ve had in the past (and they haven’t fallen off yet).

So access is really sparse and slow

So I’m throwing up a few more posts while I’ve got access, we’re heading north (after we check out the Sand Castle Beachfest) on the Nicoya Peninsula and I’m not sure how access will be after today…

The place I’m at now is in Cabano, and they’ve got pretty good speed but it’s really busy so it’s still not super.

Costa Rica 2008 – Photo Album 1

Had a lot of trouble getting photos up and on-line. Internet is not the best here…

Here’s the first few photos (with descriptions).

I’ll try to get more up later…

Made it to Costa Rica

Pict2354Well, we made it to Costa Rica! Found an Internet cafe so I wanted to hop on-line quick. A few e-mails and posts queued up but not much exciting to post yet (sorry).

We’ve done some traveling by 4×4 and some mini-adventures trying to get some cash (the ATMs are giving us trouble). He’s a photo of the beach (from Mal Pais?) click to enlarge. I’ll post more later….

Unknown Photo from 30,000 Feet

I thought this was really interesting looking but I don’t know where it actually is. Does anyone have an idea? And I thought the photo came out pretty good too!

It’s along the path from Charlotte, NC, USA to San Jose, Costa Rica. It’s about 2 hours from landing time and at 500 miles/hour, and factoring in landing and disembarkation, I’m guessing it’s about 700-800 miles north(ish) from San Jose.

Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica – Where should I go…?

NicoyatipwhereSo far I’ve only explored the southmost point of the Nicoya Peninsula and stayed in Montezuma. I want to explore more of the Pacific coast next trip (later this month).

I’m looking for tips on where to travel and places to stay. As requirements for places to stay go: walking to beach distance, hot showers and air conditioning (not fancy, cheap is better). There was a pullout section of the TicoTimes a few weeks ago but it only seemed like it covered the ultra fancy hotels and resorts.

I just want to wander around the towns and the ocean and find some waterfalls and stuff like that.


Any thoughts or suggestions on what not to miss? restaurants to eat at? or hotels to stay at?