Tag Archives: WordPress

Let it Snow!!!

So it’s snowing and we’re supposed to get a lot tonight (the “don’t park in the street” siren already went off). I’m geeked about that since it doesn’t seem like Christmas without it.

But I’ve noticed I’ve still got a fall theme up on my blog so I’ll be changing that to a Christmas theme that I’ve used before (if I can find all the parts). I’ve been learning WordPress and so far I’ve learned it’s SO much easier to change themes in WP than in Movable Type…

So it looks funny over the next hour or so, I’m working on getting out the fall colors!

Why I want to use WordPress…

So I’ve really been wanting to try WordPress for my blogging. It’s been growing in use (at least the people I’m reading are using it) and more and more internet providers seem to be including it with packages. So it really seems to be a product to use, I’ve been a devoted MovableType user for just under 4 years and I’m willing to try something new…

A few reasons besides jumping on the bandwangon with everyone else (a lemming, I am not): I like the default templates more than MT’s, I think it looks easier to use and set up for beginners (this would be for me helping other people, I like complicated) and they’re not lacking any plugins (1,198 and counting). Also, it’s time to learn something new and this like it’s well worth learning…

My copy of WordPress For Dummies still hasn’t shipped and I’ve bugged Lisa (the author) a few times about buying an autographed copy and now she’s having a contest to give away a few autographed copies for her anniversary! So this is my post/entry to count as my entry for that…

WordPress for Dummies

WordPress For Dummies, 3rd Edition Lisa Sabin-WilsonWordPress For Dummies is coming out on Monday (a few weeks early), and it looks like it covers most of the new features that are in WordPress. I’ve been reading Lisa Sabin-Wilson’s blog (JustAGirlInTheWorld.com) for a few years, but generally the tech info doesn’t help me since I’m not a WP user. Since I’ve been wanting to try WP for a while now (I’ve just played with it a little bit recently) this will help me on my way. So keep an eye out and pick up a copy (or order it on-line) when you get a chance…

I just ran up to Border’s to make sure it wasn’t on the shelves already and it wasn’t out, so I’ll leave my pre-order with Amazon (and save 5% since it’s a pre-order and the price is guaranteed if it drops). Continue reading

Jott is So Cool!

So many times I wish I could call someone late at night or early in the day to leave a message without waking them. THere are some services that delay delivery like this, but they’re (at least in the past) costly and slightly difficult.

Jott BetaEnter Jott: It lets you set up a list of people on-line. You call Jott say who/what you want to Jott (you put yourself in the list too) and then leave a thirty second message and it sends it to their e-mail. Did I leave out that it very accurately transcribes the audio file into text for you too?!? And it’s free?!? And it includes an audio file link too, just in case the transcription is garbled. Think about that before I tell you what else it does…

It’ll post it to a blog for you too (Blogger, WordPress (even if self-hosted), TypePad, LiveJournal), it’ll Twitter and Jaiku it for you too and post it to a Yahoo! Group and 30 boxes and you can use it to get Zillow (home value) quotes too. And it’ll set up reminders for you too. It’s all hands-free with your phone. And it’s free! Continue reading

A Plethora of Things.

So I normally don’t put too many topics per post, actually I generally only put one topic per post. But I’ve been sick and all my little post-its on things to blog about are getting too long. So I’ll steal the Bullet Sunday idea from Dave for this week.

  • Sick – I’ve been lousy with a few different things for the last few weeks, I’ve been so fuzzy I pretty much need to wear my reading glasses all the time it’s usually just late at night (and sometimes early mornings). I’m actually think the few different things are fighting it out in my body, or the drugs are now what’s causing a problem. I couldn’t get into the doctor on Saturday (actually she didn’t think another visit would do any good). I’ll have someone look up the drugs and see if I’m having any problems between them it’s the dry mouth and bad taste that popped up in the last 36 hours that’s making me think drug interactions.
  • WordPress – WordPress is one of the larger blogging platforms, lots of plug-ins and looks well supported. For example, on Wednesday Matt (a WP developer) is having a WordPress 2.3 upgrade party in San Francisco

    WordPress 2.3 is coming out on Monday, so come out Wednesday evening and upgrade your blog with the pros. How badly can you screw it up when the developers are right there? If you upgrade your blog before Wednesday come and help out others and make feature requests.

    I think it’s kind of a cool idea I’d go if I were in the area and I don’t even really use it. I’m hoping I can hold off to really using it until after Lisa Sabin-Wilson’s WordPress for Dummies book is published. What I don’t like about WP is that it’s all dynamic (but that’s part of what I do like about it too). The dynamic-ness is just going to slow things down; I liked that in MT you can make some pages static and some dynamic but the cool part is MT will cache the pages once it generates them until the next post so it’s semi-static. Keep in mind you break some important dynamic function, everything is probably going to break. I think my next blog experiments will be with WP….

  • Jott – Way cool I’ll post more on this soon.
  • Legion of Super Heroes – Season one was great but season two (started yesterday) has the Superman from the 41st century (actually a clone of the 21st century Superman) who has traveled back to the 31st(?) to work with Legion and (I’m assuming) the SuperBoy/Man of the 21st century. It seems like it’s going to be a little two complicated. They characters seem liked the characters have gotten a little bit older too (Duo Damsel is so cute).

  • Snakehead – A new Alex Rider novel is coming out. They’ve definitely gotten better as the books went along, I recently re-read the first one and it’s no where near as good as the later ones.
  • Twitter – Mini blog posts that you can read on-line or receive as text messages all day long. I don’t get it but then again, I didn’t get blogging at first either. But personal blogging at that level is too much, IMHO. News might be interesting, weather(?), local bands as to when they are performing (sometimes I just want to know what time they are performing). I did set up a page and grabbed a dozen people to listen too (but I don’t get paged, I actually have to go and look); if I find anything super (probably news/weather or something like that) I might have them go to my cell phone…
  • Season Premiers – I re-watched the season premiers of a few shows, I had a chance to see some early promos of some and they changed them a bit. The Big Bang Theory got edited in a few spots, I actually think it’s less funny for those scenes. Bionic Woman also got changed and I think it flows a little better, I certainly enjoyed it better. The odd part was that they switch out her sister (who lives with her) from a punky deaf girl to a regular rebellious teen; that seemed like a huge strange switch.
  • How Jeans are Made

    Over at The Good Human it was mentioned that a “13 year old understands better than most how jeans are made” and so I went over to Simple Living to read it. Madison, the bloggers daughter, wrote it and it’s a great explanation on the resources used to make jeans so go take a quick look at it…

    All Taxed Out – Question of the day.

    You’ve just been given a $2000 tax refund (that’s like $5000 dollars for you all in Canada and about 1200 pounds for you in the UK and, I don’t know what for you Aussies) but you must use it to buy home decorations.

  • What will you buy at the home decor/furniture store? (from the Question of the Day, please answer the question on their site (or your site and link back), they want to know you’re playing)

    Certainly, a new living room couch and chair/loveseat. I’ve looked lately and seen nothing exciting…

    And I could use some new curtains in the bedroom and kitchen (nothing fancy) the old ones need replacing from me laving the window open and then getting blown all about….

  • My categories

    I really don’t like my categories as they stand. I either want to expand them or shrink them. I’m really thinking of trying something else so I can ultra categorize everything. I’m thinking:

  • TECH: gizmos, apple, computers, portable
  • MEDIA: movies, books, tv, images, joan
  • PEOPLE: family, friends, kids, strangers
  • ME: blog, meme, family
  • INTERNET: web, blog, portable
    Supposedly WordPress is pretty diverse in this manner, but I’m not sure if it’ll cross-reference (like have the FAMILY under ME be the exact same as the one under PEOPLE).