Tag Archives: Weather

Election “News” takes away from REAL news.

How many news stories weren’t heard yesterday (and today) because of election “news”. I say “news” that way because most of it was speculation after speculation until all the counts are done. And then they spend all day today talking about how close it was and/or why those guesstimates weren’t correct or why person X didn’t end up winning.

It’s a colossal waste of time until the real counts are done (and it’s not like we have to wait weeks for the results). There is real news they could be telling us. There are people missing, there are wars and disasters. There might even be something nice that happened in the world that they can tell us about. Heck, I’d rather hear the weather or traffic report than election speculation.

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Friday Fiver

1. What’s the last item you mailed?
Last week I mailed a newspaper article to my Mom that mentioned me in it. She still likes to get stuff like that (at least I think she does).
2. Who has made you smile recently?
Last night I played with a friend’s 2 year old for a while and he was a lot of fun.
3. What’s the weather like outside?
Beautiful! Very sunny but still a little cool. I just went for a walk with Heather (who’s in town this weekend).
4. Do you consider youself a good judge of character?
Generally I’m a good judge. If I’m wrong, it doesn’t take long to figure it out.
5. What’s your favorite photograph?
I really like the one I just got of my cousin’s twins a few weeks ago! I’m sure I have all time favorite but none come to mind right now.

From the Friday Fiver.

Miles and Miles

Michigan trip october 2005So I drove 695.9 miles round trip for my travels up north. I’m a really slow traveler though, I stop every so often to shop/look/snack. The 280 mile trip up there took me about 350 miles and 28 hours to do it. Like I said I really like to take my time. You can see on the map (click to enlarge) my zig-zaggedy path (in red on the map). I went Dearborn to Sterling Heights (stopped to say HI to my Mom at work), to Troy (the Apple Store at the Somerset Collection), to Birch Run (the outlet mall) to a hotel near Cadilliac, then to Frankfort (furt?) to bicycle and shop at Gwen Frostic’s then up to Leeland and visit at Jim & Karen’s in Lake Leelanau for a few days. On the way back I went to Traverse City to bike and eat lunch, Mt. Pleasant to have dinner with Dawn and April, East Lansing for Cookie Dough Ice Cream and then back home. Lot’s of other little stops to shop and eat and we ran around a little while I was up there (that might be another post or two).

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‘Take photos of your children…’

CNN says Rita becomes third most intense hurricane on record:Hurricanerita2005.Accu

“Rita — the powerful Category 5 storm plowing across the Gulf of Mexico – has become the third most intense hurricane on record, according to National Hurricane Center data. Long lines of cars Wednesday headed out of coastal Texas towns and Houston — the fourth most populous city in the country. Evacuating parents were told to take photos of their children and to give them identification in case they get separated.”


Now that’s a nightmare, worrying about getting separated from your babies while during the storm, I can’t even imagine. What the heck is going on with the weather these days?!? I can barely remember any weather disasters compared to any of these hurricanes and tsunamis in the past year. I remember occasional hurricanes and tornados in my life, but it’s just been non-stop lately. They’re having to relocate the relocated people from Katrina. This is like Irwin Allen / Movie of the Week kinda stuff…

My thoughts go out to everyone who’s in this mess. The same for those worried about friends and family.

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The road to East Lansing

Had a great day yesterday. Stopped at the Howell Outlet Mall, got the exact shoes I was looking for and some stuff I wasn’t looking for: shirts, sunglasses and some bowls. Weather was great until we got to EL then it was drizzly on and off :(

Got chinese (I love Charlie Kangs!) and ice cream and long islands and saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a while. Found an Egypt book on the discount rack at Barnes and Noble so I’ll be looking that over. Never did get those chicken wings I wanted though…


Spec Trop6 277X187I’m watching CNN talking about the hurricane coverage. Hurricane.Cat4It’s been upgraded to a Class 4 which is 131-155 miles per hour(!), it’s near Pensasola (20mi ESE) and I guess Atlanta is in it’s path (but it looks more like Mobile to me). And these idiots crazy people are out there doing color commentary as these 100 mile per hour winds are knocking them around. The two guys were out there practically doing a talk show…

CNN is encouraging you to send in your stories, photos or video. Nice live Java animations at the National Weather Service (check out the Loops on the left).

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Toss and Turn…

I slept so poorly last night. I kept waking up and tossing and turning. And I had to get to work on time since everyone else in the technology department is on vacation. After a long weekend, especially with the stormy weather the odds of something acting up are pretty good. Of course everything was fine…

Then I realized I signed up for the overnight shift for the shelter so there’s not much sleep tonight if I get paged. Ugh…

It’s beautiful out!

I just went for a walk outside and it’s great outside, cool for the first time in days. Yahoo! says it’s 73 degrees which seems high, but since it did hit 97 a few days ago I guess 24 degrees less is a huge difference. I just felt like it’s more of a neighborhood (because it is) than my condo, even though if I walk a block I am in a neighborhood.