Tag Archives: Weather

It was another great day!

So the weather was great again today. Lots of sunshine. Not too hot. Great day.

I got my Christmas invitations mail out. Why? Because the family has been having Christmas too early lately and I want it closer to Christmas. So I’m formally inviting the family or when I want to have it this year. So I sent out Christmas-ish invites (glitter was on them and now it’s everywhere) and a map with directions for those who don’t remember where I am. I’m probably at the opposite end of the map than everyone else, but I’m right off the expressways (I-75, I-96, I-94, M-39) so I’m probably a shorter drive because of the time. Plus this is one of the items on my 101 in 1001 list, having it is, not just the inviting…

Plus, I took the sports-coat with the permanent ink into the cleaners the other day and I went to pick it up today and they got the stain out! I wish I had taken the shirt in too, I think it’s already in the trash. I should look up their name so I can give them credit (they’re on the south side of Ford, just west of Dearborn city hall).

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Two blogs? Why?!?

So I’ve set up another blog called My Trip To Egypt appropriately URLed with http://mytriptoegypt.com/

This new blog is only for posts related to my Egypt trip. Don’t worry, all the Egypt posts will all show up here, I’m just showing them the Egypt category from here (so they don’t see my other posts). When I give them (co-workers/family) a vacation web site I don’t want them getting more than they bargained for…

You may want to poke your head over there, I’ll be showing the local time and weather and who knows what other fun gizmos I’ll find for the margins of the pages (any suggestions?). As of now it’s got the pre-Egypt messages I’ve posted here over the past year but it’ll have more later.

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They Promised Me Rain…

I had my day planned and I had to rearrange the whole day. So instead of cleaning, running errands and other boring stuff I had to do something else.

This means I got to go rollerblading and drive around in the car with the top down!!! It was 60+ most of the day so I’m really enjoying this (I didn’t say I was complaining, just that it was promised). It’ll probably rain later (or sooner) since they’re still forecasting it (tomorrow too) but maybe they’ll be wrong again and it’ll get up to 70!!!

Aimee Mann Disappointed Me

AimeemannitunesorigOkay, she didn’t actually disappoint me because I didn’t actually see her. It’s the fact that she rescheduled and I didn’t get to see her was the disappointing part. She was supposed to be in Ann Arbor tonight at the Michigan Theatre, I didn’t have tickets but there were seats available and I usually do pretty good picking some up at the last minute. I’m not sure when the show got bumped to the 20th (not one-hundred-percent sure I can make that one, but I’ll try). Since I really enjoyed the Liz Phair iTunes Originals album I picked up the other day I thought I’d pull out my Aimee Mann iTunes Originals album I had never really appreciated them before Liz’s so I’ll have to check out the few others I’ve purchased (and didn’t purchase).

I first saw Aimee Mann in concert (and started listening to here) at the Lilith Fair test tour, this was the tour when Sarah McLachlan took some other female artists out with her to show the concert promoters that people would come. I think it was Aimee, Sarah, Lisa Loeb, Patti Smith and Paula Cole. It was a nice concert in that it wasn’t a madhouse with all these bands playing on all these difference stages, but (if I recall correctly) it seems the performances were cut a little short due to having five headliners….

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TiVo Deluxe!!!

So TiVo rolled out (started rolling out) their new features in the music, photos and more section. These new features I think will pave the way for what you have to look forward to from your home entertainment center. They now have (without you having to install anything on your home computer) movie listings, traffic, weather, photos (Yahoo!), streaming Internet audio (Live 365), games (yes, I said games) and you can listen to podcasts. This is very cool stuff! I especially like SameGame, it’s a fun game you’ll just have to try. This all assumes you have your TiVo hooked up to the network (and not the phone).

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I’m all fixed now.

End results:

  • Cost: $400 ($40 less than expected).
  • Time: I called them at two hours fifteen minutes and it was ready. Slightly disappointed that they didn’t call to let me know.
  • Car: Much quieter than when I took it in.
  • Car Bonus: He printed out a list of all my previous car repairs so I can put them in one spot.
  • Weather: Much colder and wetter and snowier than earlier. Although the snow that’s sticking looks beautiful.
  • Caffine Levels: Off the chart. Remember, free Coca-Cola refills for the two hours I was at BK.
  • BBRRR… Did someone say winter?

    1. Do you like the colder weather, or are you into the hotter weather?
    I like hotter better, but colder isn’t as annoying as much for the short term (I can go out side for a minute and not come back hot and sweaty.

    2. What is your favorite thing about winter?
    Snow and/or ice on the trees and Christmas lights outside (with now).

    3. Do you have a favorite comfy, cozy lounging around outfit?
    Not really.

    4. What’s your favorite warm drink when it is just too cold out there?
    Hot apple cider with carmel whip. Preferably the cider has had a cinnamon stick soaking in it all day…

    From Tuesday’s Tales.

    What are your Top 5 electronic toys you can’t live without right now?

  • Apple 12 inch Powerbook: Software, Internet, Music, Audio Books, Podcasts, eBooks, Movies and more. It’s got just about everything I need.
  • Palm OS Cell Phone (Samsung i500): Phone, Day Planner, Address/Phone Book, a few games, slow internet (but I can get info and check my mail), it’ll work as a modem for my computer in a pinch.
  • Digital Camera (Minolta Dimage Xt 3.2MP): Photos, short Movies, Audio recording and in a pinch it’ll work as a thumb drive (I think it’ll work as a webcam on a windows machine).
  • iPod 60GB color (no video): Music, Podcasts, eBooks, my (read only) calendar/addressbook, some eBook files and works as a really big thumb drive.
  • TiVo (250 GB DVD recorder): Plays TV (what I want when I want), Records what I want every week (and makes suggestions), plays CDs, DVDs, Video CDs, streams audio and photos from my computers. With the new (free) HME options I can check the weather, movie listings, RSS feeds, photo feeds, flickr streams, play games, play my iTunes, back up shows to my computer and more (people keep writing these modules).

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