Tag Archives: Tori Amos

What’s up with Ticketmaster?!?

So at 9:59 am this morning I’m at the Ticketmaster web site for Tori Amos tickets, they go on-sale at 10. Refresh (not yet). Refresh (not yet). Refresh (not yet). Click to buy (yes!). I’m in row P? TicketmasterWhat’s up with that? Release try again, Row R? Try again, row P, same spot! So I try single seats, doubles, everything is that far back (I see that same spot on row P a half dozen times). It’s ten hours later, I can still get as close as row U. If it took this long to sell a few rows, where the heck did the first 15 rows go (plus the 4 in the pit) is the first few seconds. I mean I love Tori and all, but where did all those seats go in the first few seconds?!?

Tori Amos Exclusive and 3 Free iTunes

Tori AmosThis week iTunes has an exclusive four track album for Tori Amos out his week called (coincidentally) Exclusive Session: Tori Amos – EP. The album has live versions of Crazy, Seaside, Sleeps With Butterflies and The Power of Orange Knickers. Tori is one of the few people that I think does good “live albums”.

They also have three free songs this week.

  • Augustana – Stars and Boulevards from You’ll Disappear
  • Harald Johnson, Jarle Vespestad & Tord Gustavsen – Curtains Aside from The Ground
  • The Backstreet Boys – Never Gone (Album Sampler)

    These links should launch iTunes (if you have it) and show the songs. The free songs will not be free after Monday, June 13th 2005.

  • Tori Amos Concert

    So I was just reading another blog (Glimpse of a Girl) and she has her review of the Tori concert and I realized I never said anything about it when I went last week! I think it was Thursday the 14th of April.

    It was great!! The seats were really good, row M to the right, you always want to sit on the right at a Tori concert if you have a chance since she usually faces that way. She generally has two keyboards but plays most songs on the (baby?) grand on the right. This time was different she had four keyboards of various types and was constantly bouncing around so it offered a better view for others but the right was still the place to be… Tori Amos

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    Tori in Detroit!!

    ToriamosWoo Hoo! Tori Amos is going to be at the Detroit Opera House in April!!!!!! Not only is it a semi-small venue (at 3-4,000 seats it’s certainly not the Palace) it’s a very easy ride from my house.

    The Beekeeper – Tori Amos

    So I picked up The Beekeeper today. It really does reminds me of her older albums (even the packaging). I’m liking it so far. There seems to be two versions a reguluar version with 19 tracks and a limited edition with the same album, a DVD and some seeds to plant (I’m not kidding). The DVD has a really long interview thing that I haven’t really listened to yet and a extra track (Garland) that appears to be part video / part slideshow (with quotes from her book Tori Amos: Piece by Piece). Most places seem to have the regular for $12-ish and the deluxe for $16-ish (YMMV).

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    Tori Amos

    Tori has a new CD out tomarrow! It’s called The Beekeeper. I’ve only heard one song (Sleeps With Butterflies) but I think I’m going to like it, it reminds me of a few of her older albums.

    She’s also got a new book out called Tori Amos: Piece by Piece. I’ve purchased it but I haven’t read it (today would have been a good day to read it).

    FYI – There is a regular and deluxe edition of the CD, not sure of the difference (I’m assuming a DVD in the bonus version?).

    iTunes / iPod Survey

    Found this at Maison Pants.

    A survey about the songs in your iPod (or just in iTunes).

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    BurnIt Summer 2004

    I sent out my Burn It CDs late (but it was more than a few days ago, so if you didn’t get yours it’ll be there any minute) the theme was songs from movies. I was in two BurnIt groups (so I had six people sending CDs to me (actually I only had packages from five of them) and I had to send to the six of them and the coordinator.

    I was nervous at first Alfie sent hers’ out way early and the packaging was beautiful. Great cover, printed CD, artwork for the back and inside (behind the CD). Even her printing on the envelope was great. Very professional and I don’t think it’s related to her major. She set the bar very high, the rest had some nice ones and some plain ones so I was feeling better for mine. Mine might have been in 2nd place for looks but I was still left in her dust.

    I do have one complaint about iTunes, until you burn you don’t know how long your disc is, I mean who measures time by saying 1.1 hours?!?

    Some were songs I liked, some were artists and some were movies I liked that I wanted a song from. It was hard since some of the movies just have a great sound track (Some Kind of Wonderful, The Lost Boys, Pretty in Pink, Boys on the Side, Bill and Ted’s, City of Angels, etc.) Here’s the track listing if you’re curious.

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