Tag Archives: Rose

Turn Left is my Doctor Who Favorite Episode

My favorite episode of Doctor Who is probably Turn Left. How one tiny little thing can change the world, whether you decided to turn right or turn left. And in telling the story, a time-travel type story (but not exactly), they manage to integrate the rest of the Doctor Who universe. As the others stand up to fill the void, they save the day, but leave our world with one less hero, until there are none left.


Rose and Donna, working together, stopping the stars from going out.

At the end, she whispers two words into Donna’s ear, a message for the Doctor. It never crossed my mind what the two words might be, until The Doctor asked and then it hit me(!), I knew without a doubt what the two words were and then Donna said them and DW fandom went wild! It’s funny, I don’t know if Rose ever said those two words to this Doctor…?

Why I didn’t want to pick that one is because you just can’t go and watch it if you aren’t a big follower of Doctor Who because it references so many things it just isn’t relevant to a non-fan. Turn Left is a very non-Doctor episode, what’s funny is my second favorite episode is Midnight, which is a very non-Donna episode, takes place right before this episode, but could be watched on it’s own, Midnight is David Mamet meets sci-fi.

Other favorite episodes that stand on their own:

  • Rose – The first episode of the 2005 reboot.
  • 2005 Christmas Special – The transition between Doctor’s nine and ten; plus a real Torchwood reference and Harriet Jones.
  • Smith and Jones – The first episode with Martha. This was the first season I ever watched in order.
  • The Shakespeare Code – Martha, The Doctor and Will Shakespeare.
  • Blink – Spooky! A non-Doctor and non-Martha episode.
  • Vincent and the Doctor – Amy, The Doctor and Vincent Van Gogh (and an alien)

My First Doctor was Christopher Echelson

I liked Christopher Echelson, he was cocky but also caring at the same time. He was more of a fighter then the Doctor’s since and he tried not to take any crap. But part of why I liked him was that while he was tough he also had a soft side.

My first post about Doctor Who over 5 years ago and was about the ninth doctor.

DrwhoThe Doctor: (Asking Jack about his raygun) Sonic blaster… 51st Century… Weapon factories at Villengard?
Capt. Jack Harkness: Yeah. You’ve been to the factories?
The Doctor: Once.
Jack: They’re gone now, destroyed. Main reactor went critical. Vaporised the lot.
The Doctor: Like I said, once. There’s a banana grove there now. I like bananas. Bananas are good.

I’d have liked to have seen nine with Donna…

Supposedly he left Doctor Who so he wouldn’t get typecast and while he’s done a few different types of things he’s gotten typecast a lot in the SciFi type shows and movies and I don’t think he has any Doctor Who interest any more. That’s too bad (IMHO), since Tennant reigned for three-plus seasons and Matt Smith looks like he’ll be around for three (even Amy is around for three) and pretty soon Alex Kingston will have been around longer than anyone! Maybe he’s happy, but having a bunch of fans for life seems to be a good way to be.

Doctor Who – The Stolen Earth – S04E12

Amazing episode! Should have been a movie!

Can’t say much about it without giving much away. But lots of names in the main opening credits…

BIG Cliffhangers! Continue reading

Brilliant Episode! “Turn Left” Doctor Who S4E11

To make up for not seeing Donna last episode, I think we see The Doctor even less this time around. And while most episodes just take place in a different time/place, this is more of a a time-travel type episode (my favorite);it’s another excellent episode by Russell T. Davies.

I won’t tell you much about the episode except that we still don’t know what’s up with the bumble bees (I’m starting to wonder if we will this season) but we do finally get to really see Rose. That’s not really much of a spoiler since Billie Piper’s actually in the main opening credits! Continue reading