One of the activities at the Detroit Science Center tonight was a rock wall. I’ve never done one of these and I’ve always wanted to try it! They wouldn’t let me wear my sandals, but fortunately I had some other shoes in the car. This was a blast and I’d definitely do it again some time!

I figured I better wave right away just in case I fell.
This was the point where I yelled down to check that
this was just going to let me gently fall (if I fell).
I was getting a little high and the holds were a little farther apart.
At the top there’s a button to press to ring the bell.
Can you see it up where the wire comes out?
This is me on the way down.
It was actually a pretty fast/smooth process.
And this is me all the way down, the woman running it says that happens to the “big kids” a lot.
I almost did it again so I could get it all on video to see how it looked. Maybe next time…..