Tag Archives: photos

Total Lunar Eclipse

Totally worth going outside for! The eclipse was very cool looking. I’d had a long day so I’d taken a nap and set the alarm to make sure the sky cleared up enough, it did, so I got my gear together and went outside for a while.


It looked much much redder than these shots show (since these show virtually no red). It was actually more of a dark orange with red tinting.


Not that these shots show anything very clearly. Considering that the Moon was now “10,000 to 100,000 times fainter than it was just a couple of hours ago”* it wasn’t a big shock.


And while I saw a few shooting stars, nothing like the meteor show I though that was supposed to be have seen once the Moon was dimmed…

In hindsight, I wouldn’t have brought the camera (or tried to shoot video), so I could have paid more attention. But then I’d have wished I had brought it, right? Actually, the tripod on the SLR probably would have been the best choice. I had it on the video camera but the video just came out too grainy ; plus, the darn Earth andMoon kept moving so I had to readjust.

Do you like Holiday Wish Lists? – Friday Question #136

So “What do you think of holiday wish lists – tacky or useful? Do you make one for anyone? For whom if so? What is on your wish list this year?” is this week’s Friday Question.

I’ve always been hard to buy for, so I like the Amazon wish lists. It gives people some idea of what I want. They don’t have to buy off of it, but don’t act you have no idea what to get me when I’ve got a list of items from $10-$1000 :)

This is my wish list: a few books, Blu-Rays, a bike rack, a camera lens and a few other things. Feel free to shop for me *.

There is always concerts and such too, but it’s hard to surprise me with those kinds of things since you need to make sure I’m available (or didn’t already buy tickets). Plus, I’d rather be surprised.

On the other hand, do not tell me what to buy for you or some other family member. You can suggest something, but if I say yes, please don’t tell someone else the same item. Point me to a wish list if you like, but it’s my option. Although I do like it when children tell me what they’d like, especially if they don’t tell anyone else…

* The wish lists also have the option for someone you don’t know to buy you an item and have it shipped to you even if the sender doesn’t know your mailing address. Although, I’ve never received anything that way before.

Orange: PhotoHunt 226

Here’s an orange flower for this week’s PhotoHunt. There’s a bit of green in the photo too, I’ve really been liking the way green has been showing up in my photos.


Anyone know what kind of flower this is? I think I took this by the garden plots behind U of M Dearborn…

You can participate in PhotoHunts too.

Turtle swimming in the aquarium

A turtle swimming around in a aquarium at the Belle Isle Nature Center. I’m not even sure what kind of turtle it is, it was just a “regular turtle” until I really liked the photo. I’ve really been liking green in my nature photos lately.


And of course you can click for a larger version.

I really do like the way this photo came out, he(?) was kind of fussy and wouldn’t hold still for very long, but I did get a few shots of him, this is just the best one. I’ll have to put together a few of them to share with you…/garysaid

Symbols – Photo Friday

This is for Photo Friday and this week’s theme is “Symbols”. This is not my favorite picture that I’ve taken of hieroglyphics, but certainly by shear quantity it has the most symbols in it.

Click image for a larger view.

This is taken at the temple of Edfu, near the south end of the Nile on the west side. Most cities/temples were on the east side , I’m sure I was told why but I can’t recall; I want to say “evil” was from the west, but I really aren’t certain.

You can also view a huge 2300 pixels wide version.

Photo Friday: The Coast

This is for Photo Friday and this week’s theme is “The Coast”. This is actually just a series of photos (7 or 8) taken with my iPhone 3gs and stitched together with the AutoStitch Panorama app.


This photo was taken north of St. Pete Beach, FL. Possibly Medina?. Click it for a 1200 pixel wide version. A few stitching problems due to everyone not standing still but still a nice photo considering I was shooting into the sun during the evening.


The second photo is the same photo, but just before cropping.

Photo Friday: Sexy

I had just commented the other day on how much I loved this photograph. And then Friday shows up and I’ve got a chance to use it. This is for Photo Friday and this week’s theme is Sexy.


This photo was taken last summer on Lake Huron on the Canadian side.

PS – Did you notice the conflicting product placement..?

Shuttle Crawler path – panorama

This is the path the shuttle takes when it’s on the massive crawler and has to go from the VAB (vehicle assembly building) to one of the launch pads.

It’s the wide dual dirt/gravel roads (with the grass strip in the middle) towards the back.

The launch pad all the way to the right is 39A and the other (a little to the left) is 39B.

If you click on the photo you now get the huge version which is 3,900 pixels across and 700 pixels down (if it only shows up as wide as your browser, click again, then you can scroll right and left). You can click for a more normal 1024 pixel size too. Sorry, I appear to have problems uploading the huge version of the panorama from my phone. I’ll fix later at hotel.