Tag Archives: one with nature

The Question – RAOJ

Has there ever been a moment in your life when you felt at one with (nature, God, the universe, etc.
So I was on this retreat with college friends. We were in Missouri up in the Ozarks and it was beautiful there, in the mountains with a lake and a great view from all over. I’m not a particularly athletic person but every so often I get into running and the first few times after I haven’t done it in a while I go pretty good. I decided to go for a run and as I went I kept getting farther and farther around that lake. I decided I’d go around it. It turns out it was a big “L” (not exactly but there was a part/leg I couldn’t see) but from where we were it looked like an “I” so it was much farther and I just kept going and going and it was just great and incredible out in these woods with the water all around and all this adrenaline just running through me keeping me going. I was gone for ages and non-stop and just kept going I never knew where all of that came from I just kind of floated around on that for the rest of the weekend….

From Random Acts of Journalling