Tag Archives: numbers

November 1st, 2011

Two things for today: a photo thing and a numbers thing.

Today is 11/1/11 or if you live over seas it’s 1/11/11. I like fun number things, in 10 days we’ll have another date number thing.

And in a few days my car milage will be 123456! So hopefully I don’t miss it. (I should verify that)

Yes, it is the little things that I enjoy in life! button-26things-125.jpg

The photo thing is a 26 Things project / collection. Slightly different than usual, it’s really 13 things but two photographs of the same topic. For example, one of the topics is “patters” so you could do two different patterns, you could do two opposite patterns, you could do two different perspectives of the same pattern (or just take a dozen different pattern pictures and post your two favorite ones). I like this twist, I’ve started a few times and never finished, but I think I will with this one. And I’ll probably post throughout the month as I get each pair completed (I think?). Plus, it’s less items to remember! Then you post your completed set on-line somewhere (flickr, blog, etc) and link to it from the project site.

Happy PI Day!

It’s March 14th (3/14) and its 1:59 AM. So that makes it 3.1415926 right now. At 26 seconds and some change it will equal PI exactly…

3.141592653987 is all that I know in my head. It’s not accurate enough for space missions or time travel but it’s more than enough for every day use. I think I used to know it for a few more digits but that’s faded away with lots of more important stuff I’m sure.

I like this animated image since it illustrates P relatively well as being 3.14(etc) rolls of the wheel.


Images from the PI WIkiPedia page.

Numbers and more numbers.

So you know how excited I get when I get a cheap price for gas. Today I paid $2.43 and I thought that was pretty good. But as I ran around it got cheaper and cheaper. The lowest was $2.31! It must have dropped everywhere but on the north end of Dix (before it ends) it got lower and lower.

I got Chinese food for dinner so i played those numbers for the Mega Millions and picked up an easy pick too. It’s only $18 million, but what the heck…