So I saw Aimee Mann in concert last week in Ann Arbor at The Ark. If you don’t know who she is, you might remember her from the 1980s when she was part of ‘Til Tuesday and did the popular song Voices Carry; that video is a little bit old, here’s the current Aimee Mann site. I’ve seen Aimee Mann twice before, once on the pre-Lilith Fair tour (when they were trying to prove that people would go to a all women concert festival) and a few years ago in Ann Arbor.

The show was general admission so I had picked up a ticket while I was there for some other show. I didn’t get anyone else to come* it turned out there was a empty seat right in the middle of the front row! It was awesome! She’s great and does one of my favorite things, she talks
She’s actually writing a musical based on The Forgotten Arm that was a concept album she did a few years ago, she actually did some of the narration and played some of the songs for us, it was pretty fun. It’s kind of a dark story with drugs, debt and relationships (and boxing).
If you haven’t been to The Ark, it’s a great little theater, about 700 seats, and I’ve seen a lot of shows there. It’s general admission so if you get there earlier you get a better seat, tickets are generally pretty cheap generally (although I think Aimee was $40, much more than I usually pay there) but those on-line fees get the prices up there fast.
*Most of the time it doesn’t bother me to go to concerts alone (it’s that ride and the wait that I don’t like). So if concerts are general admission and I know I want to go, I’ll pick up a ticket and mention it to a few friends; some times there’s a few of us and sometime it’s just me.