Tag Archives: Michigan

Saturday Six – 61

6. You are given the gift of an original oil painting by any famous artist.  What painting would you choose and why?
Easy. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
5. Last week, the Reader’s Choice question asked you to identify your favorite movie line.  Later this month, the American Film Institute will list the 100 Greatest Movie Lines of all time.  Which one do you expect to win?
“Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn”
4. You have the ability to snap your fingers and be instantly transported to one of three places whenever you wish to go there.  Which three places would you select as your destinations?
Costa Rica (probably Jaco, since I like the ocean there), London, England (I always enjoy England) and Berkley, Michigan (most of my extended family lives there) and work (I hate wasting time driving to and from work). Yes I picked four. I’m assuming you can teleport back to your starting point which would be home. If I had this power I’d probably move to one of the locations (probably Costa Rica) and make that home so I’d only need the three other destinations.

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Book Tag. I’m It!

So I’ve been tagged with the book meme (list current books and favorite books and tag a few more people) from Dave over at Blogography.

How Many Books Do You Own? At least five-hundred. A complaint from the last time I moved was “who the hell taught you to read?”. The answer is probably my grandfather, who didn’t teach me to read but taught me to want to read.

What is the Last Book You Bought? Mindscan by Robert Sawyer. I have yet to read this one, so here’s some background on the author. He’s the canadian Michael Crichton, what does that mean? It means he’s awesome (I hope he likes MC) and he makes complicated science fun. He generally does more with connecting everything (science and religion and the mind and the universe) in a holistic way and making it all tie together. He’s entertaining, humorous and very knowledgeable.

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Gary’s Guide to On-Line Dating

When placing a personal ad on-line be sure to list the following things to get the most responses.

  • Make sure your photos include pictures of all your pets (either alone or with you).
  • Speling and grammer aint very imprtant.
  • If you could “meet anyone / have lunch with” be sure to list Brad Pitt and/or Tom Cruise (because we can all meet those expectations).
  • Be sure to not use any punctuation.
  • Be sure to have at least one picture with your ex cut/photoshopped out of the image.
  • Use ALL CAPS when possible.
  • Be sure to mention your ex at least four or five times.
  • Don’t smile in any of your photos.
  • List as much of your baggage as possible in your profile (oh, wait! That’s what blogs are for!).

The scary thing is, most of the above comments are from the profiles that I liked…

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Apple Store – Troy, Michigan

Everyone seems to be talking about this weeks release of Tiger (Mac OS 10.4). Most people seem to have some complaints (generally about networking). Now I’m definitely an early adopter of “stuff” (hardware, software, services) but when it’s a major upgrade of the operating system, I tend to wait a little while. This seemed like it was to be a pretty big upgrade so I’m waiting until 10.4.1 or maybe even 10.4.2. I need reliability a lot more than I need a few new features.

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We Luv Ya Harry

Harry F. CarswellHarry loved the Harrison Roadhouse so after the funeral (see my earlier post) we went to the Roadhouse to eat and drink (and be merry) and they had changed the sign out in front of the restaurant to read “We Luv Ya Harry”.

The funeral was at the MSU Alumni Chapel and it was packed to capacity (standing room only). Harry seemed to know everyone and everyone seemded to really care about him. The service was great and Darren gave an excellent speech on Harry meeting Melissa (Mom) and becoming part of their family and Harry becoming his and Rebekah’s Dad. A few others had things to say up on the podium but we weren’t really sure if we should applaud but when Darren was done we knew we should…

Have the Cat in the Hat come to your house

Mvc-002FOn Friday, March 18, 2005 the South Redford Foundation for Educational Excellence will be having an auction for the public schools in our district. We even let students write grants for their classrooms) in south Redford, Michigan. You’ll be able to bid on all sorts of things including an opportunity to bid on the Cat in the Hat to come read to you and/or your kids! And not only do you get to support the schools you get to meet me!

R.I.P. Harry

Harry Carswell passed away last week… I’ve restarted this a few times and I guess I don’t really know what to put here… I’ll start with a story: About three or four years ago I was visiting Harry in the hospital, I don’t remember exactly what he said the doctors told him, something like “six months to live” and I laughed and then he joined in so I felt a little better about it because I knew he knew why I laughed. We laughed because ten or fifteen years before that after some major heat surgery they had given him three to five years (or some other deadline he was way past). I’m sure a few other times (not even related to those issues) they had given him some other timelines and they all passed but then he’d have some other problems every so often. He knew it was time this time and moved back into his home last month because that’s where he wanted to be.

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Distance – Friday Q

FQ1: What’s the furthest North you’ve been on this world? What were you doing there?
Alaska, I went there on vacation when I was 15 (with a bunch of people I didn’t know).
FQ: What’s the furthest South you’ve been on this world? What were you doing there?
Costa Rica, I was there on vacation twice and I’m ready to go back again…
FQ3: Where were you born, and what’s the furthest you’ve been from that spot?
I was born in Michigan and the farthest away I’ve every been was probably Prague on vacation and it’ll probably be my summer trip this year.
FQ AWAY: Name a blog you read that’s the most distant from you… whether it be emotionally, culturally, religiously, or by physical location.
I’d swear that I read one in New Zeland but I can’t figure out which one it is.

From the Friday Q.