Tag Archives: Michigan


It’s sad, but I was excited last night to only pay $2.99 for a gallon of gasoline.

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Global Communications 150 Years Ago

Scientific American magazine always lists what was happening 50, 100 & 150 years ago. In the September 2005 issue they mentioned an award given to Samual Morse (by the Emperor of Austria in 1855) for his valuable services to the world with his contributions of Morse Code and the Electric Telegraph. It was twelve years after the first public experiment, between Baltimore and Washington, and there were now 50,000 miles of wire in operation.

Communications has changed quite a bit since then. Where would we be if it weren’t for our phones, Internet and cellular phones to keep us in constant communications with the world? How many miles have the electrical impulses that I just generated with this message traveled so far? How many search engines have picked it up so far, how many have just come along to read it, how many feed readers just set off a little flag to alert someone to a new post? Communications has definitely come a long way in the last 15 years, let alone 150…

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Blondfire Ambition

So MSNBC did an Independent Study (review/article) of Blondfire (formerly known as Astaire), it’s a nice article (but a little short) but it’s got music samples so check them out. If you haven’t heard me talk about these folks before check them out at the iTunes music store (where they have an exclusive EP) or Amazon.

I missed the Grand Rapids show, did anyone see it? I noticed the article didn’t mention Michigan, it seems to me they were born in either Grand Rapids or Brazil and spent part of their lives in the other (or bouncing around).

Where are those rocks that I’m talking about…

NWU MapSo this is where I was when I did the rock tour (see recent posts). It’s also where I was when I went rollerblading part of the time and where I just liked to relax. You can see in the zoomed in part (you did click on the thumbnail image?) that fuzzy edge near the water along Lake Michigan, it’s all these huge rocks (or big chunks of cement) along the shoreline. It’s probably about 40-60 feet of these along the shoreline to the water (if not more) and many are painted with these some of these sayings on them.

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The Morning Light

We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.So here’s another painted rock with a quote on it (click image to enlarge) that I saw down by Lake Michigan. As I was walking along all these rocks (which really means jumping precariously from rock to rock) I had the darn Avril song running through my head. It was really kinda sad as I’m reading these rocks with different inspiring and sad messages running through my head. There were some really great ones but they were too faded or just too difficult (lighting/angle/shadows) to get a photograph of.

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Things that make me happy :)

We’re talking about easily accessible things here (in no particular order), like:

  • Riding the train.
  • Evanston, IL.
  • Rollerblading.

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  • Indigo Girls – Rarities

    One of my favorite bands, The Indigo Girls, released Rarities this week. Eighteen tracks of odd stuff. Demos, different mixes, live cuts, EP versions and some tracks I don’t know if they’ve ever been released (like Ramblin’ Round featuring Ani DiFranco). If you get it at the iTunes store it comes with 2 bonus tracks.

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    This was one of the opening acts for Ivy. They’re from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Why haven’t I ever heard of them? FYI – Them is the sibling team of Bruce and Erica Driscoll.

    I talked to Erica for just a minute and got her autograph on my CD. When I saked where they were out of, she said “somewhere between Grand Rapids and Brazil”, which didn’t make a lot of sense until I read their Web Site. She was charming, beautiful and very nice.
    And she signed my CD “To Gary- heart Erica”. Sigh…

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