Tag Archives: Michigan

Egypt facts

Egypt map from wikipediaIt’s about four times the size of Michigan with about eight times the number of people. Although I think Michigan is about 40% water and Egypt is less than 1%. Click the map for a detailed view of the country (I’ll be traveling from Cairo to Aswan and spots in-between).
Total area: 1,001,450 sq km = 386,559.7 sq miles
Land only: 995,450 sq km = 383,857.7 sq miles
Water only: 6,000 sq km = 2,316 sq miles
Border countries: Gaza Strip, Israel, Libya and Sudan
Population: 78,887,00

More info at the CIA World Factbook Egypt page and at Wikipedia.

Aimee didn’t disappoint!

So Aimee Mann was in Ann Arbor tonight. It was in the Michigan Theater, I kept thinking Hill Auditorium and then I realized it was somewhere else. Obviously I figured it out, it was right around the corner, a really nice small venue and I was in the front row. It was a great seat, no one could even really be in front of you. I’ve been there before but I can’t remember for what (maybe something jazzy with Lou?). I got a Philly Steak sandwich and then a Long Island at the place that used to be Dooley’s. And the whole town appears to have WiFi (blogging and booze, now that’s just a bad idea).

Aimee was great!!! She was excellent to listen to and interesting to watch. It was the last show of the tour so she kinda blamed the technical glitches on that. This would be the guitar (from hell) that wouldn’t tune, she thought it sounded so bad she stopped in the middle of the song and then apologized about a gazillion times. I didn’t get any pictures (that’ll come in Audra’s review) and he didn’t play some of her classics: Red Vines, Voices Carry and the 3rd one I had in my head when I started typing this sentence.

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Aimee Mann Disappointed Me

AimeemannitunesorigOkay, she didn’t actually disappoint me because I didn’t actually see her. It’s the fact that she rescheduled and I didn’t get to see her was the disappointing part. She was supposed to be in Ann Arbor tonight at the Michigan Theatre, I didn’t have tickets but there were seats available and I usually do pretty good picking some up at the last minute. I’m not sure when the show got bumped to the 20th (not one-hundred-percent sure I can make that one, but I’ll try). Since I really enjoyed the Liz Phair iTunes Originals album I picked up the other day I thought I’d pull out my Aimee Mann iTunes Originals album I had never really appreciated them before Liz’s so I’ll have to check out the few others I’ve purchased (and didn’t purchase).

I first saw Aimee Mann in concert (and started listening to here) at the Lilith Fair test tour, this was the tour when Sarah McLachlan took some other female artists out with her to show the concert promoters that people would come. I think it was Aimee, Sarah, Lisa Loeb, Patti Smith and Paula Cole. It was a nice concert in that it wasn’t a madhouse with all these bands playing on all these difference stages, but (if I recall correctly) it seems the performances were cut a little short due to having five headliners….

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A better phone plan

So I’m looking for a better land-line phone plan for my Mom (nothing higher tech than that) in Berkley, MI. She’s got nothing special right now but and I was looking at Talk America mainly for it’s wider local non-toll calling (a good chunk of SE Michigan). It’s about 22.95 with a wide non-toll area with toll calls for 7.9 cents and long distance for 6.9 cents (for $5 more you can get Call Waiting, Repeat Dialing, Speed Calling 8, 3-Way Calling, Call Return and Caller ID). She doesn’t do much that falls into those extra fee calls (and she could probably just use a phone card for those at 3.9 cents a minute) so I might just pick Talk America but I know I’ve seen them advertise better promotions in the past. I think it was cheaper when I got it and had 3 extra services included. Anyone know of any offers/promotions to switch? (I think she’s with AT&T now).

Baby, it’s cold outside…

So it’s really cold out and icy! I needed to be at the shelter training for a volunteer panel orientation and I left extra early but they closed the expressways. I took some back roads and Hines Drive and I got there a few minutes late (but not too late to do my thing).

But these Michigan people and their four wheel drive have no clue how to drive. They were the ones sliding all over the place almost causing the accidents. Just drive reasonable and they’d probably be safer but they drive like the roads aren’t even icy. They closed the expressways, that should tell you something…

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Free Christmas Tree – Looking for a Good Home

If there is someone who needs* a Christmas tree I have a very nice artificial 7.5 foot Martha Stewart brand tree to give away. It’s only two or three years old and in great shape. It’s just a pain to assemble so I bought a three piece pre-lit tree this year. All you have to do is make arrangements to come pick it up, I’m in the Dearborn (Detroit) Michigan area. As soon as it is claimed I will post it is reserved (which means they haven’t picked it up yet) and or taken. Please feel free to e-mail me about this (be sure to answer the immediate auto-reply you will get) include a phone number to make arrangements.


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Anna Nalick in Michigan

Speaking of getting hit by the search engines, I get lots of hits on my earlier posts about Anna Nalick but strangly very few comments.

She’s in Michigan a few times this week (Mt. Pleasant and Detroit). I know I’m going to at least one of the shows.

Anyone else out there going to any of them? It actually might be billed as just the Rob Thomas concert but she’s opening, so don’t be late! They’re both at small venues so leave a comment (or e-mail) and maybe we can say hi at the concert(?)…

Car Repairs (again)

So my car has been making some funny noises up front lately. Guess where I am? I’m waiting at Belle Tire to see what’s wrong with it. It’s something up front and with the tires or alignment or steering or something

We’ll see how it goes. It’s a little busy here, probably some people who want to get their car fixed before they travel for the holiday. I’ve spent $700-ish each of the last two times I had service so I’m hoping it’s not too bad. It’s only a 2000 so it’s not that old, it’s at 56,000 miles and I take pretty good care of it (oil, tires, brakes, etc.).

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