To add your blog to this experiment, copy this entire posting to your blog, and then answer the questions below, substituting your own information, below, where appropriate. Other than answering the questions below, please do not alter the information, layout or format of this post in order to preserve the integrity of the data in this experiment (this will make it easier for searchers and automated bots to find and analyze the results later). (Note: Replace the answers below with your own answers)
(1) I found this experiment at URL: The Daily Meme
(2) I found it via “Newsreader Software” or “Browsing the Web” or “Searching the Web” or “An E-Mail Message”: Browsing the web
(3) I posted this experiment at URL:
(4) I posted this on date (day, month, year): 2 Aug, 2004
(5) I posted this at time (24 hour time): 13:05
(6) My posting location is (city, state, country): Dearborn, MI