Tag Archives: maps

I’ve got a new map gizmo

Map counter sampleSo I’ve got a new map counter gizmo (here’s the sample from yesterday), it’s all the way at the bottom of my pages (I’ll probably put it in the side later). You can click it and see a larger version (with a little more information). FYI, bigger dots mean more visitors, it only updates the actual map once a day. And yes, you can get your own.


So I like maps and when I saw this in someone’s sidebar I felt the need to get one of my own. You can click the bottom to see additional local feeds.

It’s kinda funny since it’s uses the smiley face which is what I used to use as my favicon, now I use the little (you might see it in the address bar of your browser). Click the “Bloggers nearby” for a larger map. I haven’t decided if it’s permanently going in the sidebar yet…

Can any of you geekier types tell me why when on the larger map if you point to most of the other blogs the popup says their name under the site name (and why mine doesn’t)? I’m looking at their source and I don’t see it…

Google Moon

GooglemoonlogoHave you seen the interactive maps of the Earth that Google has done? They recently added a new hybrid feature.

More importantly: In commemoration of the Moon landing 36 years ago Google has put together some Interactive Maps of The Moon! It goes best horizontally (with minor vertical options) and don’t zoom in too far, you never know what might happen…

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