Tag Archives: iTunes


Very cool! I just put a list of my current iTunes on my page. It shows the currently playing song (if playing) and the last 5 (or whatever). I want the same on my laptop and then they’ll have to duke it out for the “current song”.

Thanks to Kung-Tunes for the tool to do this… They are also the author of the Ecto (formerly Kung-Log) for posting you your blog.

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Airport Express

I’m not sure exactly why I bought the Apple Airport Express. That might sound silly but it’s not just one device, it’s not two, it’s not even only three, it’s FOUR (yes four!) devices in one.

  1. It’ll work as a WiFi router. Can I tell you how easy this was to use? I was at my local Burger King and the WiFi was down again but the wired connection was up. So instead of sitting by the noisy TVs I plugged in the express to the wall and a RJ-45 (phone-like cord) into the ethernet jack and my laptop asked if I wanted to join the new network. That was it! I’m now wireless sitting in my comfy corner.
  2. A WiFi Extender. Does your WiFi network start to fade at the far end of the house? Put this somewhere where you still get a signal and it will extend the range farther for you.
  3. A music (i.e. iTunes) streamer. Computer in the other room with all your music on it? Plug in the optional audio cables into the AirPort Express next to your stereo and you can listed to your iTunes ianywhere in the house!
  4. Printer Adapter. Want to share a printer? Plug a USB printer into the port and you can print to it from anywhere in the house!
It works for Windows and Macintosh (but I haven’t tried the printing yet) and it’s great!

(Legally) Download Free Music

Did you know the iTunes store gives out one free song every Tuesday? This week it’s Kicking the Heart Out by Rogue Wave.

Plus they’ve got the new Vanessa Carlton single, White Houses, for only 99 cents.

Executive Summary

I’m not big into politics but I did notice that the iTunes store had the Executive Summary for free! It’s just over an hour itself and I’ve listened to the first bit of it and it’s pretty interesting. I don’t know if I could handle all 20+ hours of it but I’ll definitely listen to the rest of the hour summary.9-11 Final Report: Executive Summary (7/22/04)

Of course you need the free iTunes software to listen to it…

BurnIt Summer 2004

I sent out my Burn It CDs late (but it was more than a few days ago, so if you didn’t get yours it’ll be there any minute) the theme was songs from movies. I was in two BurnIt groups (so I had six people sending CDs to me (actually I only had packages from five of them) and I had to send to the six of them and the coordinator.

I was nervous at first Alfie sent hers’ out way early and the packaging was beautiful. Great cover, printed CD, artwork for the back and inside (behind the CD). Even her printing on the envelope was great. Very professional and I don’t think it’s related to her major. She set the bar very high, the rest had some nice ones and some plain ones so I was feeling better for mine. Mine might have been in 2nd place for looks but I was still left in her dust.

I do have one complaint about iTunes, until you burn you don’t know how long your disc is, I mean who measures time by saying 1.1 hours?!?

Some were songs I liked, some were artists and some were movies I liked that I wanted a song from. It was hard since some of the movies just have a great sound track (Some Kind of Wonderful, The Lost Boys, Pretty in Pink, Boys on the Side, Bill and Ted’s, City of Angels, etc.) Here’s the track listing if you’re curious.

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Coincidence or Should I go play the Lotto?

So I’m reading along enjoying LoveLeLisa’s LiveJournal and she’s talking about a song. hoobastankWhich as I’m reading it sounds like a Dido song and I’ve practically got the music in my head to go with it. But (of course) I can’t find anything about it on-line anywhere, because if I did there really wouldn’t be much of a story here now would there?

So I finally figure out that Hoobastank is the group so I go to the iTunes store (do you shop there? it’s way fun and they have weekly free songs now!) and immediately get distracted (there is a point here, I promise) because I see Avril’s new album, I’m not a big fan but she’s been making a big deal about “not being so angry” since she eats less fast food (and junk) now, so I figure I’ll listen to some of the 30 second clips. And in the sidebar where they list ‘people who bought this album also bought…’ it says (you got it) Hoobastank – The Reason. What are the odds? Accidentally finding it before I actually searched for it?!?

So needless to say, Apple got 99 cents from me and I’m downloading it as I write you this message.

(Oh, and now I see it’s on their top 10 list, so maybe not such a coincidence, but I never listen to the radio so what do I know…? Besides, now I have this nice hotlinked message and it’s be a bit since I posted more than a sentence unless it was a meme.)

$1,000,000 – Fun Stuff RAOJ

You are given a gift of 1 million dollars (kindly adjust for currency in your location). There are some restrictions on how you can spend some of the money, as follows:

$100,000 must be donated to charity. What charities will you support?
Probably the two different shelters and the crisis hotline that I’ve volunteered for.
$100,000 must be given to one person that you know. To whom do you give it? What would you expect him/her to do with it? Would you put any restrictions on its use? Would it make a difference if you could make the donation anonymously?
Probably my Mom. She’d have to use it for travel (off of this continent) but I think I’d force her to learn computers first so she can take pictures and post, blog and send e-mail while she travels. She can take a friend, but she’s gotta take a different friend/relative on each trip(?)
$100,000 must be given to someone who has recently been in the news. Who gets it? Why?
Hmmm… I don’t watch/read enough news and everyone I hear about is bad… I’m sure I could find some deserving person/family who’s had some hard times, or needs something to get their business back together.
$100,000 must be spent on a public beautification project. You can build a park, commission artwork, etc. What do you do, and where do you do it?
There is a boring little park down the street that would be nice if it were redone maybe something with that.
$100,000 must be spent on a memorial to someone/something that you have loved and lost. What form does the memorial take? Who is it for?
The Frank Hill memorial computer lab / reference center for the Berkley Public Library (with WiFi). Grandpa got me interested to think about things: science, technology and to read a lot. I remember going up with him to that library when I was a kid.
$50,000 must be spent studying something you have not formally studied. What will you study?
Astronomy, I always wanted to understand it better.
$50,000 must be spent establishing a scholarship. What’s it for and who will you name it for?
It would be for students to offset school costs and to get them up-to-date with technology (nice laptop, printer, WiFi, PDA, iPod, TV, Stereo, subscription to NetFlix, iTunes store, etc.) so they can have some of the cool comforts…
$50,000 must be given away in a contest. What kind of contest do you hold?
A Michigan teacher web site contest. We’d supply space or they could use their own. They keep the site up for one school year. At the end we give five $10,000 prizes. Best content. Most updated (with real content). Best Design. Best Page/Post. One random (as long as they actively used it for a whole year).
$200,000 must be spent doing as many things as you can on your “lifetime to do list.” Always wanted to see Alaska? Take a boat trip on the Rhine? What things would you do first?
Travel like I never have before (and it’d all be first class!), some cruises, Paris, Egypt. Having a child is one my list so I’d be working on that too!
That leaves you with $150,000 of mad money. If the rules say you can’t spend that money on things that might be termed “practical,” what do you buy on your spending spree?
Geek out the house with more gizmos and such. Probably the same for the car (DVD/MP3/Player). One of those new infrared outdoor grills. TiVos, iMacs and home theater systems for all my family and friends. One of those cars that will go in the water like a boat. There isn’t much I need but I’m sure I could figure out a way to spend it.

From Random Acts of Journalling

How to always win Free Pepsi iTunes

As you know I love the Apple iTunes store. Apple and Pepsi are giving away 100 million songs as a promotion. The guys at MacMerc.com have figured out that you can see if you have a winner or loser by holding the bottle at a angle. A diagram and instructions are available at MacMerc.com.