Tag Archives: iTunes

(Easily) Win Free iTunes

You must sign up and then you have two chances to win a free iTunes song each week for the next eight weeks. The payoff seems to be about 50% so far. Plus you get entered to win an iPod each time you play. It only takes seconds to do this, have I ever let you wrong on a current free deal?!?

Tori Amos Concert

So I was just reading another blog (Glimpse of a Girl) and she has her review of the Tori concert and I realized I never said anything about it when I went last week! I think it was Thursday the 14th of April.

It was great!! The seats were really good, row M to the right, you always want to sit on the right at a Tori concert if you have a chance since she usually faces that way. She generally has two keyboards but plays most songs on the (baby?) grand on the right. This time was different she had four keyboards of various types and was constantly bouncing around so it offered a better view for others but the right was still the place to be… Tori Amos

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Anna Nalick Surprise!

Picture 2So I ordered the new Anna Nalick CD at the Sony on-line store last week. The CD comes out tomorrow. Guess what I got in the mail today!!!! It’s pretty good, but the Breath (2 AM) song is still my favorite. I’m still surprised it got here a day early…Anna Nalick

Audio Book Samples

I really love the Apple iTunes Music Store (some of the links on this page won’t work if you don’t have iTunes installed). In case you didn’t know they offer (for free) Music Videos and Movie Previews. They also offer Audio Books and once in a blue moon they’ll offer the first chapter for free download. This seems like a good marketing scheme but it’s really hit or miss, I mean you can get a free iTunes song every week but you never know when you’ll get a free chapter…

Sometimes they just have something odd for free like some extra interviews at the Academy Awards but you never know when. Does any one know of a better way to find these free items/events?!?

Four for Friday

Was thinking I’d do a meme or two before bed. I’ll do this one from Four for Friday

Q1: Which is a bigger waste of time in your life… being stuck in traffic or being placed on hold during telephone calls? Which do you find more annoying?
Probably being stuck in traffic for two reasons. I’m probably not getting anything done and now I’m probably late… On the phone on hold I can at least get other stuff done (if you want them to answer quick, just start brushing your teeth).

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iTunes / iPod Survey

Found this at Maison Pants.

A survey about the songs in your iPod (or just in iTunes).

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Bluetooth Headset on my Macintosh?

Does anyone use a bluetooth headset with their Macintosh that will let you listen to music and function as a microphone? If so, which model? and how much do you like it?

To be clear I want this to directly communicate with my Macintosh audio input/outputs without any wires/hookups, just via the bluetooth signal built into my powerbook and the headset.

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Free Louis L’Amour Audio Books

It’s a free hour long Louis L’Amour book (at the iTunes Store), it’s called Merrano of the Dry Country. I haven’t even listened to it yet I just wanted you to have a chance at it (before it’s not free any more).