Tag Archives: iTunes

iTunes, iPods and Apple do Podcasting software right!!!

The Apple iTunes store has added Podcasts at the iTunes Music Store
icon (just click on “podcasts” from the main menu at the ITMS) and of course they are free. I know you’re thinking, “Who cares, I’ve already got podcasting software to download them and add them to my iPod?” But this doesn’t need software this builds it right in so your friends who you haven’t gotten to listen have no excuse now (the software is free and so are the downloads). Plus they updated the firmware on your iPod to offer several benefits (read on). And Apple started their own weekly new music podacast!

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Samantha Murphy and Waffles

Samantha MurphyI thought Ram’s Horn was open 24 hours a day. I was in bed dying for waffles. And then when I got back home I realized that I probably could have gotten them at Big Boy (I think they’re open 24/7).

So you should give a listen to Samantha Murphy, in particular to ‘I met him “At the Laundr-O-mat”’, that’s the one I just heard while I was out in the car and I really liked it. I can’t find it at Amazon so I’m guessing she’s limited release still (the link is to iTunes) or not out yet. I heard her on the Daily Source Code with Adam Curry while on the late night waffle quest.

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Indigo Girls – Rarities

One of my favorite bands, The Indigo Girls, released Rarities this week. Eighteen tracks of odd stuff. Demos, different mixes, live cuts, EP versions and some tracks I don’t know if they’ve ever been released (like Ramblin’ Round featuring Ani DiFranco). If you get it at the iTunes store it comes with 2 bonus tracks.

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This was one of the opening acts for Ivy. They’re from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Why haven’t I ever heard of them? FYI – Them is the sibling team of Bruce and Erica Driscoll.

I talked to Erica for just a minute and got her autograph on my CD. When I saked where they were out of, she said “somewhere between Grand Rapids and Brazil”, which didn’t make a lot of sense until I read their Web Site. She was charming, beautiful and very nice.
And she signed my CD “To Gary- heart Erica”. Sigh…

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Ivy In Concert

Dominique Durand IvySo we went out last night four bars/clubs and for the fourth one we ended up back at the first (so it was really three). There was a mission though, Ivy was in town at the Magic Stick (which is above the Majestick, get it?). So it was regular happy hour, to the greektown casino where L’usa were playing (we’ve got friends in the band) and then to the concert. We missed most of the opening acts but we kinda knew that with all the running around (that’ll be another post).

Ivy was great, I think I originally heard her on a WB show (or some show) and they showed her information in the end credits. I think the band is generally three people but I think we counted eight at one point. The photo is of Dominique Durand (I needed to be closer, my camera is great but my flash is pretty lousy). I gave my e-mail to a woman there who took a lot of photos I hope she sends me a few!

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Tori Amos Exclusive and 3 Free iTunes

Tori AmosThis week iTunes has an exclusive four track album for Tori Amos out his week called (coincidentally) Exclusive Session: Tori Amos – EP. The album has live versions of Crazy, Seaside, Sleeps With Butterflies and The Power of Orange Knickers. Tori is one of the few people that I think does good “live albums”.

They also have three free songs this week.

  • Augustana – Stars and Boulevards from You’ll Disappear
  • Harald Johnson, Jarle Vespestad & Tord Gustavsen – Curtains Aside from The Ground
  • The Backstreet Boys – Never Gone (Album Sampler)

    These links should launch iTunes (if you have it) and show the songs. The free songs will not be free after Monday, June 13th 2005.

  • Sarah McLachlan

    MclachlanitumesorigiconSo I just got my weekly e-mail from the iTunes Music Store and see that there is a iTunes Originals Sarah McLachlan CD out! (I guess it’s not really a CD but in a few minutes, it will be for me. It’ll actually be two.) As usual there are 30 second previews of all the songs but none of these links will work for you if you don’t have iTunes (Windows or Mac).

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    Full disclosure

    Just so you know. Some (but not all) of my links that lead to items, products or services give me a (very) tiny commission if you buy/subscribe/etc., that’s if you purchase (or add to your cart) while you are there. If it’s something I’m writing about and give it a thumbs up, it’s really something I’m genuinely recommending (and it doesn’t cost more for you to buy it from Amazon or iTunes or whoever from my link then to go there directly so why not get it this way?!?).

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