Yes, I know I’m a little late to be pointing out Halloween costumes, but I thought this was awesome.

She went out as “low resolution”! Looks great too!
Found at KindaCarSick…
Yes, I know I’m a little late to be pointing out Halloween costumes, but I thought this was awesome.
She went out as “low resolution”! Looks great too!
Found at KindaCarSick…
In my opinion, you don’t wear mismatched socks and you shouldn’t wear mismatched bikini tops and bottoms. It’s just weird. A swirl of a dozen colors on the bottoms and then the top is a solid color (“but the blue in it matches the blue on the bottoms”) just doesn’t cut it for me. I wouldn’t wear a blue sock and a white gym sock with a blue stripe and say they match because they both have blue. They do sell these things in pairs, don’t they? I don’t have much fashion sense but my socks do match.
Did you lose your top and had to substitute a bottom from a different pair? Or lose the bottoms? Couldn’t find both pieces in your size but bought the one part because it was cute? These aren’t serious questions but when I get too much of the hot sun I start to come up with bizzaro blog post topics.
The exceptions might be Christmas (red and green) or Halloween (black and orange) or Homecoming (school colors) or something similar, but statistically you wouldn’t be wearing a bikini on those days. But since obviously this rule would also include lingerie you can also use the holiday mismatch exemption for that (at least I hope it’s obvious).
I guess if I wasn’t traveling alone I’d have someone to vent about these important issues with.
Tagged Bikini, Christmas, Costa Rica, fashion sense, Halloween, lingerie, socks
The video shows it all.
Here’s the original Detroit Fox video. Or try here.
Shouldn’t this be illegal since she’s buying votes?
So I was thinking about Halloween and Candy Corn and here we are, with a new Halloween theme on my blog.
I got the background tile from Fortune City.
So I decorated for Halloween. I saw this huge spider at Target and I knew I had to put it on my car. I wanted it on the front hood, but I thought I might get a ticket for something like that. So I put Harry, (hairy, get it?!?) on the trunk and it’s worked pretty good so far. When I get moving fast, he gets all scrunched down; it looks like he’s doing it on purpose.
I’m pretty happy that he hasn’t escaped yet (especially on the expressway). I haven’t noticed many people noticing, but since I’m busy driving..
Okay so it’s time for Halloween and it’s time to carve the virtual pumpkin! It’s pretty easy to do, just make sure when you are cutting a shape you end where you started. The one on the right is the one I made and I liked it until I had to shrink it (then the misshapen eye just got too small).
So saddle up the kids and let them each pick out their own virtual pumpkin!
So the Jones Soda company has released their Thanksgiving Dinner in a bottle. The soda flavors included are: Brussels Sprout with Prosciutto, Cranberry Sauce, Turkey & Gravy, Wild Herb Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie (Also included: Serving spoon, moistened towelette, and wine list). how cool is that?!? I’m armed with some to take with me to Thanksgiving Dinner. We’ll see who I can dare to try it.
They also released a pack with Broccoli Casserole, Smoked Salmon Paté, Turkey & Gravy, Corn on the Cob, and Pecan Pie. I’d really like to try the Corn on the Cob but I guess that packaging was just regionally distributed.
Posted in food + drink, friends + family, holidays + events
Tagged Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Dinner