Tag Archives: free

Get your gMail

If anyone needs a garyMail Google gMail account, leave me a comment and I’ll hook you up. I’ve got 65… 4…

UPDATE: Late Feb 2005 – I have more (lots) invites…

I freed my first book!

So I released my first Book Crossing book! I let loose Echo Burning (a Jack Reacher Novel) by Lee Child (I actually had a few in my backpack, it seemed the one most likely not to get tossed out). I was at dinner at TGIFriday’s and just left it on one of the unoccupied chairs after I cashed out. I was trying to be secretive and it felt like I was doing something wrong, I could see them chasing me, “sir, you left your book” and me trying to deny it…

Set them free!!!

Okay so I’ve heard of Book Crossing before but never got around to doing anything with it. But when I go on vacation I always like to take a few books that don’t make the trip back; gotta have some room for some souvenirs, eh? So I finally signed up and I’m pretty geeked about it.

You put a note in the front off the book, tell them the book is on a journey and they should get on-line to register it’s location so that it’s path can be followed! Very cool! I don’t know if I can wait, I’m ready to label some books and let them go tomorrow!

You can actually see things like the 100 most recently released books. Then you can go hunt for them! If you sign up be sure to mention that garylapointe sent you.