Tag Archives: Flickr

My Blog is worth

My blog is worth $34,436.94.
How much is your blog worth?

So this seems to be the badge/test/meme all the cool kids are doing this week, so me being the follower that I am (not), I’ll do it too…

The previous version of this blog (http://garylapointe.com/mypointe/) is worth about the same (so if I redirected all traffic would it be worth double?)

The Daily Meme is worth $103,310.82! Which is just funny since I put so little time into it, but it’s a resource, a compilation of memes (although not usually badge creators such as this). So I only make changes as the happy and as sites die.

Click the link and you can find out the value of your blog! It uses Technorati data and Weblogs/AOL deal for value. More than I’m willing to analyze but still fun to check out.

97 Degrees!

weather reportIt got to be a hot one today. They said 97 today and I don’t think they were exaggerating! I’ve bounced all around today. Heather’s house was my base and I bounced between there and the paths by the water at Northwestern U and downtown Evanston each a few times. And I drank about 10 gallons of water, coca-cola and Gatorade. I also took a bunch of photos which I’ll add later once I get back to a WiFi zone (I’ll post a few and add a bunch to my flickr feed). It’s still pretty hot out even with the sun down (even with a breeze).

Free Flickr Schwag

Flickblog LogoGet some free stuff from Flickr. All you need to do is send them an addressed enveloped (no stamps required) and they’ll send you some buttons and stickers!

Yeah… another member in the Mac family!

Lacy at Silverberry got a new Macintosh Powerbook. She seems to be liking it and has a flickr slideshow showing that “Apple really has packaging and presentation details down”. They really do, it’s especially noticeable with the laptops and the iPods IMHO. So a like is here for your pleasure…