Tag Archives: England

100 Things

Here’s my 100 things about me page. (If you’re looking for my 101 in 1001 days list go here.) To follow the theme that I’ve found on many other sites, partially to see what I come up with and to let others see what I come up with. I’ve broken this down a bit: I like, I dislike, I am, I’ve live in, I wish I understood more about, places I’ve been and before I die…

It’s interesting how many of these things I’ve blogged about so far…

UPDATE: December 2004/June 2005. I just came here to update this. I can’t believe how much it has not changed. The only other things are I’ve been liking my iPod (and listening to podcasting), the Scene It? DVD games and maybe some additional music groups (Katy Rose and maybe a few others) and I won’t add them until they’ve been around a bit longer. Probably “Two and a Half Men” (I laugh SO hard) and Liz Phair (added).

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What color is your favorite __________ – Monday Madness

  1. Vegetable: Yellow – Corn on the Cob.
  2. Beverage: Coca-Cola colored.
  3. Room: Off-White(?!?)
  4. Outfit: Faded Blue with a burnt red pullover of some sort.
  5. Mood: Bright yellow (like on a Happy Face).
  6. Season: Sunny Season, I guess that’d be green.
  7. Fruit: Orange on the inside. (Cantaloupe, every morning.)
  8. Dessert: Off white – it’s a crisp waffle with vanilla ice-cream, honey and toffee crunch stuff on it. Some chain resturant all over england, but I can’t think of what it’s called…
  9. Pair of shoes: White
  10. Color: Red(?)

From Monday Madness

Extra Busy…

I don’t know where the time has gone… I’ve been working on a few projects and things but not my blog (actually a little, just not stuff you’ve seen yet. I’ve been at one of my favorite conferences MACUL did a presentation (that I’ve never done before) that went well. Missed two Liz Phair concerts (wasn’t feeling well so I couldn’t do to the drive to Chicago and back), she did a regular concert and played at the Apple Store the next day.

So since I didn’t go there I didn’t get to see Heather either… But she’s in England with Nan for the so she might have some extra interesting posts this week. Finally bought an Xbox to play / hack around with, trying to install Linux, no success yet, but it’s been fun (anyone in the Detroit/Dearborn area who can offer me some help…?). Reading some books which I never seem to remember to comment on. The EXTRA nice part is it’s been sunny the last few days and that’s always nice in the winter!