Tag Archives: DVD

When is HDTV not HD?!?

So I picked up an HD TV cable box today. But I don’t have an HD television. “Why?”, you ask? The better to see it with! My picture for the HD channels are beautiful!!! I feel like I just bought a new TV! My HD cable TV box will work fine on most TVs; probably any TV that will let you hook up a DVD player will hook up to this and give you a much better picture.

HdtvlogoHere’s the thing: it’s got regular “video out” connectors on it (the yellow video or s-video), the same connectors that you use to hook up your DVD player. If you think your DVD picture is better than your regular TV, I’d say you should try this out. I’ve got Comcast in the Detroit area, I just walked in to get the box and came home and hooked it up instead of the old one. It’s only $5 more a month than the regular digital cable box.

How good is the picture do you ask? It almost as good as my DVD player !!! I’m using the s-video connector (the one that looks like the small round keyboard connector for your computer) and I’d say it’s way better than my old digital cable box. I’m sure you’re wondering why and the answer is simple: The television standard that we use has ben in use for over sixty years and that was black and white (color wasn’t tacked on until a dozen years later).

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Firefly – Serenity

So the SciFi channel started rerunning Firefly and the preview for the Serenity movie (the movie sequel) looks so great I thought I’d try the series again (I think I tried one episode originally and it didn’t take), but I think they (whatever network dropped it) originally ran them out of order. This was part one of the two part pilot (which was never run as the pilot, I’m not even 100% sure it was ever run they actually ran it as the last episode). I really enjoyed it! I think I might pick up the DVD and catch up in higher picture quality and the missing three episodes. And I really don’t need another Friday show; Stargate, Atlantis, Numbers, Monk, and Battlestar Galactica is already more than I watch the rest of the week combined!


I’m really liking the first season of Lost! I never watched it the first time around and I’m loving it. What’s great is most of these people have nothing to do with one another so the stories don’t have to be related at all! Emilie de Ravin, who played the bad alien in Roswell, is growing on me, I didn’t like her much as Tess but her pregnant character is interesting. And Terry O’Quinn (from Alias, X-files and Millenium) is a great character too, they just revealed his secret in the episode I just watched.

Grey’s Anatomy – Was it the Season Finale?

GreysanatomyIt was the season finale, wasn’t it?!? I don’t see any more episodes in my Tivo, either way it was a very busy episode. Poor George, he’s just the butt of everyone’s jokes and all he can do is stammer if it’s an embarrassing situation. At least he’s the new girlfriend (anyone know who plays her?). Every time I see Isobel I just want to reminisce and pull out the old Roswell DVDs, she’ll always be Isabel to me (oh wait, she still is).

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Awesome Television

Grey’s Anatomy just keeps getting better and better! I’m not sure if it was a great episode this week, but it had a lot of great sub-parts/scenes. (Sorry no quotes this week)

And speaking of great television Joan of Arcadia comes out on DVD this week!!!! I haven’t been as excited about Joan this season but I’m looking forward to season one again…

This/That – Thursday Thoughts

Pick one word from each of the following pairs.
1. Laptop or desktop computer? Laptop. Powerbook!
2. When listening to music, headphones or no headphones? No Headphones.
3. CD or mp3? CD. But MP3s or AACs are way more convenient when they are all in my iPod.
4. When watching TV, lights on or off? Off!
5. DVD or VHS? DVD.

From Thursday Thoughts .

Battlestar Galactica the Podcast

So if you’re watching the new Battlestar Galactica on the SciFi channel (several times per Friday night) there is a way to listen to a commentary by producer Ronald D. Moore (like the director’s commentary you can listen to on DVDs). They are marketing these as podcasts but they are really just MP3 files (but of course you can get them with your podcasting client. I haven’t listened yet (I’m a few weeks behind on my TiVo) but I thought I’d mention it…

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The Beekeeper – Tori Amos

So I picked up The Beekeeper today. It really does reminds me of her older albums (even the packaging). I’m liking it so far. There seems to be two versions a reguluar version with 19 tracks and a limited edition with the same album, a DVD and some seeds to plant (I’m not kidding). The DVD has a really long interview thing that I haven’t really listened to yet and a extra track (Garland) that appears to be part video / part slideshow (with quotes from her book Tori Amos: Piece by Piece). Most places seem to have the regular for $12-ish and the deluxe for $16-ish (YMMV).

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